FEAR! YES FEAR I SAID is the original sin. Almost all of the evil - TopicsExpress


FEAR! YES FEAR I SAID is the original sin. Almost all of the evil in the world has its origin in the fact that some one is afraid of something. It is a COLD SLIMY SERPENT coiling about you. It is HORRIBLE to LIVE with FEAR; and it is of all things degrading. The aim of LIFE is to LIVE, and to LIVE means to be aware, JOYOUSLY, DRUNKENLY, SERENELY, DIVINELY AWARE.” FEAR can be so incredibly POWERFUL. It makes us DOUBT our gifts, squash our creativity, and leave our dreams unfulfilled, that’s no way to live. I have learned. IF You can’t BEAT it, OVERCOME it, IGNORE IT , SUPPRESS IT, or DENY IT. PUSH FEAR away or PRETEND it doesn’t EXIST, and all you get is more of the familiar effects of FEAR –CONFUSION, and DISAPPOINTMENT in yourself. The only SUSTAINABLE, INTELLIGENT way to DEAL deal with fear is to take away its power. How to do that? By making fear your friend. Make the radical choice to turn and meet your fear. It may sound COUNTERINTUITIVE, but here is how it works. RESISTING FEAR EMPOWERS IT. FEAR that is not fully seen creeps into your mind and takes over your body. But giving it your full, open, loving attention brings it out of the shadows. Once you learn to recognize how fear drives your CHOICES, you can CHOOSE differently by letting ALIVENESS, ENTHUSIASM, WHOLENESS, and LOVE GUIDE YOU. It’s the end of the SMALL FEAR-FUELED SELF and the beginning of TRULY LIVING. Become familiar with FEAR in all its FACES. Make a LIFESTYLE of STUDYING it. Learn to recognize how it CLOUDS your judgment and convinces you that you are not your brilliant, magnificent self. Become an expert in your FEAR, and it will lose its POWER over you. Make it your FRIEND for all time, and your LIFE will begin to sing its own, UNIQUE, beautiful song. Some of us come into the WORLD with a body inclined toward FEAR. You might be PRONE TO FEELING TENSION, ANXIETY, and INNER AGITATION. SO Make a practice of getting to know these physical sensations. Then you will be able to recognize the SEED of FEAR starting to take hold. From the most LOVING place inside you, bring your attention right into the tense and contracted places. Don’t ANALYZE them or push them away. Simply feel and BREATHE, FEEL and BREATHE. Know that these are just PHYSICAL SENSATIONS. No need to create a story around them or let them guide your decisions. Simply notice them, then MOVE ON with the business of living your beautiful life. FEARFUL THOUGHTS are all about “NO.” They tell us that we CAN’T, SHOULDN’T, AREN’T capable of. They convince us we will be JUDGED, REJECTED, OR ABANDONED if we EXPRESS our TRUE HEART’S DESIRE. They make our MINDS SPIN endlessly with WORRY. I can’t disappoint him/her. I might fail. I doubt if I can do it. I might get overwhelmed. I will have to work too hard. I know they will disapprove. What if I am criticized. I will be outside my comfort zone. What if it gets difficult. I don’t know how to start. I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared. These THOUGHTS WEAVE A FAMILIAR WEB that leaves you FRUSTRATED and UNABLE to CHANGE. But none of them is your TRUE VOICE. FEARFUL THOUGHTS work BY. They PRETEND they know what the FUTURE will bring, and they ASSUME only NEGATIVE OUTCOMES. What is actually true about the future? You don’t know. You don’t know if you will fail or feel overwhelmed. But your fear-fueled mind persuades you that you will. And if you believe these thoughts, no wonder FEAR PARALYZES YOU. BUT What if what actually happens is AMAZING BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS? What if you let yourself STAY with the TRUTH – that you don’t know what the FUTURE will bring – AND ALLOW LIFE TO UNFOLD NATURALLY ? Why go one more second believing limited thoughts with DISMAL OUTCOMES that aren’t even TRUE? Here is the MEDICINE for your FEAR-FUELED thoughts. PAY attention to your MIND so you can learn how it WORKS. Become an EXPERT in recognizing your FEAR-DRIVEN THOUGHTS. Take the INTELLIGENT approach. Don’t believe them. REALIZE what is actually TRUE – THAT you don’t know what the FUTURE will bring. FEEL the FREEDOM of being released from a GLOOMY FUTURE that hasn’t even HAPPENED yet. LIFE is now full of POSSIBILITY. REMEMBER You know how FEAR shows up in your BODY. You see how FEAR INVADES your mind. This is where the RUBBER meets the ROAD. The CHOICE IS YOURS. With FEAR no longer driving you, what do you really want? What do you want your LIFE to be ABOUT? HARNESS the POWER of FEAR by KNOWING it fully. Then find your TRUE VOICE – the ONE that is ALIVE inside YOU, the ONE that can’t be SQUELCHED no MATTER how AFRAID YOU THINK YOU ARE. I believe there is a CORRELATION between FEAR and the AMOUNT of POWER PEOPLE SEEK. An individual’s motivation for POWER is to ACQUIRE CONTROL over his environment. A certain amount of controlling behavior is a healthy natural survival instinct, but after a point it becomes harmful. When that happens normal survival is no longer the motivator. Underlying the quest for power is FEAR, and the DESIRE for power is to eliminate FEAR. The more FEARFUL a person is the more control over their environment they believe they need to feel SAFE. This becomes a PROBLEM, because those who use POWER to ASSUAGE THEIR OWN FEAR, also use FEAR against others to bolster and maintain their POWER. TRIBES, who are also FEARFUL, support the POWER-MONGER to the DETRIMENT of all. KNOW THIS POWER is not EVIL; like MONEY, it is indifferent and unbiased in its usefulness to the person who possesses it. It does not make the possessor EVIL; it is the possessor who uses it in EVIL WAYS. Everyone wants to be FREE OF FEAR. IT IS PROSPERITY, however, that is most likely to make PEOPLE FEEL SECURE. Simply having the opportunity to ACHIEVE SUCCESS MAKES PEOPLE LESS FEARFUL. NAMASTE 384
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 21:47:47 +0000

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