FEEDBACK OVERLOAD! Just got back to Monday emailers- so tuesday - TopicsExpress


FEEDBACK OVERLOAD! Just got back to Monday emailers- so tuesday guys you are next. The amount of positive feedback emails at the moment is staggering- THANK YOU!! Hi Pat, ➢ Hope on this nice night you are able to relax with the family. Would just like to again say this bootcamp/miracle camp continues to be great. Ive had a few niggles in this course but before I might of used it as an excuse I have asked for advice and continued and in my mind won. I feel stronger and fitter every week. And when I see results like tonights I cant thank you more: tried on a shirt that this time last year I would not of worn because it was tight around my stomach. Now the only place it is tighter is my shoulders and arms thanks to the regime at shed. The team if possible has got better. They push me on every night. the boy from the Toi is an inspiration as at one point he was a beginner....(Andy) he makes me think everything can be achieved with hard work Hi pat thanks for the feed back just like to say how much Iam loving bc after just 2 weeks I cant believe the difference in everything I am doing No more lunch time naps in the van or when I finish work totally buzzing full of energy even walking down the street I feel as if I have a massive spring in my step so glad I joined up just mad I didnt do it sooner thanks again and roll on week three Hey Patrick, Just thought i would let you know a few changes ive noticed recently • i feel a lot happier • I feel more at peace • im never hungry • i feel satisfied • My skin is clearer • My tongue looks much healthier • My eyes look brighter • My clothes are slacker • I feel stronger • My concentration is back • I am getting a more sound satisfying sleep A few family members and friends have noted my eyes look healthier and have their sparkle back also my face looks less puffy and slimmer. Also ive had a few work colleagues talk about my food intake like ehh you eatin aw that, thats far too much i had chicken breast and some broccoli and green beans. This person was sitting with a packet of quavers, a bottle of lucozade and a big box of chips and cheese! honestly its so true and i want as many people to know the benefits of taking care of your body and how amazing it feels!! Okay so wanted to start this off by saying I feel fab. As you said last week, I was probably stuffing my face far too much before in comparison to now. I’ve reduced portion sizes so my meals are much smaller, not snacking as much ( maybe a bit too much dark choc at times) and feel a lot better, only thing need to work on is more sleep. I took some measurements as well and have lost from my legs, waist and hips so will continue going the way I’m going. Before I think I got into a routine where I thought I needed all that food when in reality I didn’t- I was just eating cause I thought I had to without taking into account what I was eating, portion sizes etc. Also, sending the food diaries every week, I don’t know if this is the same for everyone but for me anyway, it makes you a lot stricter. Last time I sent a food diary once and after that was nowhere near as strict as I was or am now so it definitely makes a difference. I think with the food thing as well, no-one will ever get it 100% perfect and obviously as you’ve said before what works for one person won’t necessarily work for others so for example, if I were to compare food diaries with other bootcampers, for some people, it can be a good thing for food ideas etc, but sometimes I think it makes you question your own and you start to ask yourself am I eating too much or too little. Again as before loving this time round and everyone I’ve spoken to is too. There hasn’t been a night (so far) where I haven’t looked forward to not going. Atmosphere is amazing, the music’s good, stations are good(apart from the Bulgarian bags lol) and there’s a total buzz about the place. I think changing partners and mixing it up a bit helps as well- makes you work that extra bit harder. All the guys are great, really friendly and helpful, stretches afterwards are much better- bit more intense and defo helping. Hi Patrick Thanks so much for your feedback. I also wanted to thank you for pushing me in Fridays session. Ive trained on and off in the past and never really seen an improvement in how much I can lift. You helped me realise that I can probably do more than I give myself credit for! And it gave me a real buzz. Thats something Ive never got from any other work out. Just sitting in the car outside bootcamp and wanted to drop you a line to say thanks so much for tonight! Id had a crappy day at work and was so close to not coming to bootcamp. Turning up was the best decision. Bootcamp is hands down the best anti-depressant/mood lifter Ive ever experienced. You and the guys were great tonight so just wanna let yous know! :) I did make it to the stretch class, really really worth it and ally was so helpful! Ive definitely eased off so I just need to keep it up. Felt like I struggled tonight after last nights effort - my arms were so heavy. Delighted once it was over though. Feels like each session is tougher than the last which is great. There is a real energy at this bootcamp (even more than previous) and for the first time Im properly looking forward to each session. Stretches have been excellent too. Ally knows his stuff and has already sorted a couple of issues.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:31:26 +0000

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