FEW OF THE ADVENTURES THE ADVENTURE CATALYSTS WILL DO AT THEIR WORKSHOP ON FRIDAY 1. Adventure Bikes! Experience a Time-Trial Bike in the Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel, then check out the Hubway Bike Share System - one of the most innovative in the U.S. Do you know about all the research poured into performance bicycles? Well take a modern time-trial bike into the wind tunnel at MIT to see first-hand the aerodynamic principles of speed machines. Hop on and test your best drop-bar technique! Afterward well take it a bit slower by riding on Hubway Bikes to tour around town for a jaunt, complete with a stop in the Hubway warehouse to discuss the concept of the bike share system, bike rebalancing, and see a few half-complete stations in progress. 2. Adventure BioLab! Experience EyeWire and Whitehead Institute Lab, Tours and Demos Come learn about the exciting and transformative research taking place at Whitehead Institute through an interactive discussion and laboratory tour. A world-renowned non-profit research institution, Whitehead Institute is dedicated to improving human health through basic biomedical research, delivering breakthroughs in such issues as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, diabetes, and certain cancers. Scientists from Whitehead Institute will provide an overview of their cutting-edge research, followed by the opportunity for participants to explore their laboratories for a behind-the-scenes, hands-on look at experiments in progress. Dr. Brian Abraham will be there to discuss how his team is exploring novel ways to treat cancer. Afterward well head to EyeWire at MIT -- a game to map the brain developed by MIT Computational Neuroscience professor Dr. H. Sebastian Seung, reliant on an online community of over 50,000 people from 100 countries - citizen neuroscientists - who map the 3D structure of neurons and discover neural connections. Come see pieces of the human brain, and play with an electron microscope! 3. Adventure Evolution! Experience the Harvard Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Wander the laboratory where some of the best in evolutionary biology is being studied! Literally from the office that first brought about DNAs double-helix, we will see examples of some of the weirdest creatures the Earth has produced. Well tour Harvards biological lab and get an in-depth understanding of how modern science views our ancient origins. Well get to see the wonders of TED speaker Peter Girguis sea-going lab deep in the basement, along with a tour of the Melton lab facilities by two entrenched post docs -- well see the wide ranging work that evolutionary biology is exploring. 4. Adventure Surgery! Experience Laparoscopic Surgery at Cambridge Hospital Test out your slicing skills at Cambridge Hospitals Laparoscopic Surgery Department, where well get hands-on using actual surgical tools to perform make-believe minimally invasive procedures. Well learn the incredible details of laparoscopic procedures, complete with digital screens, joystick controls, and video-game imagery, and see the hospital in action. Well be guided through the procedures by TEDx speaker Steven Schwaitzberg and his incredible team of surgeons. 5. Adventure Food Science! Experience Taste Sensations at Toscaninis Ice Cream and Taza Chocolate Factory Have you tasted the worlds best ice cream? Well, we will blow your taste buds away with a visit to Toscaninis Ice Cream in Cambridge to discuss food science with fellow TED speaker Gus Rancatore and try some amazing concoctions! Afterward well walk up to Taza Chocolate Factory in Somerville for an hour-long tour of the chocolate factory (complete with plenty of samples), where well learn how the simple cocoa bean is turned into the superfood we all know and love to which we are incredibly addicted! Bring your tough questions, like: Can I try another piece? 6. Adventure MIT! Experience Innovation at MIT Community, Mediated Matter, Infinate Corridor Glyder Challenge, Edgerton Center & Akamai We will take time to explore some of the best ideas in action at MIT with a tour hosted by TEDx speaker Ben Peters who will take us through his work in 3D Printing at the Mediated Matter Lab. After having our minds blown by what the future will hold, well walk through MITs Infinite Corridor to test out paper glyders that are built to go for hundreds of meters, with a competition for whos creation can keep in flight the longest! Well then tour the Edgerton Center at MIT to visit with Jim Bales who explain Edgertons Legacy of photon-capture development and check out Akamai, one of the nerve centers of the internet. Upon returning to MIT Media Lab after our adventures, we will get together for an Adventures Workshop -- a brainstorming session to discuss best practices and purposes of our experiences. These adventures, and the following breakdown, will encourage full participation and experimentation, to get everyone involved, applying their speciality, and through the groups collaboration we will derive some thought-provoking conversations about the diversity of life and how we interact with one another and the world. And well ask how you can transport this back home. Where will you host your own Adventure? Where will that adventure take you?? To conclude the Adventure Catalyst session, there will be a ceremony where all Adventure Catalysts will receive certificates and t-shirts to mark their journeys, and well celebrate with TED dignitaries Lara Stein, Dave Webber, and Duncan Davidson as we head into the TEDxBeaconStreet weekend!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 05:22:01 +0000

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