FIGHTING LIKE FREEDOM FIGHTERS AGAINST ONE LIKE A PAKISTANI REGIME: BEGUM KHLEDA ZIA NEEDS TO BE PROMPT AND WISER BEFORE BEING FOOLISH AND CRASHED Having lost their freedom to the British, the people of Bangladesh suffered a prolonged state of misery of repression and exploitation at a straight-road of 200 years long of colonial rule, is now a very frequently talked theme of history. To take a break, the freedom-loving people joined to an uneasy marriage with Pakistan but soon collapsed after 24 years in 1971. The people had to pay a heavy price, a rare sacrifice ever seen in the contemporary history of NATIONS. Once again, this supreme sacrifice demonstrated in the world history how Bangladeshi people love their freedom and rights. It also tells us that these people will never allow anybody to violate their rights and freedom – whether he/she is a foreign or native plunder. Begum Zia, most people have rallied behind you because they believe you will be able to deliver them back their more precious things: their freedom and democratic rights which have been snatched away by Sheikh Hasina. It is so pathetic to think about a regime of post-independent Bangladesh whose behaviours and actions could be so worse and dangerous than those of the British colonizers and Pakistani military regime. Your one basic identity is that you are an uncompromising leader and most people like that essence. And this uncompromising quality is also essentially needed for making a head-way in this troublesome and notorious political situation, but you are also perhaps not immune to simple or fatal mistake and manipulation by others. You are surrounded by dozens of reputed lawyers, intellectuals and diplomats. You are leading a huge popular party which has thousands of dedicated party men and women and idealistic mass-supporters. Wherever you go, you are welcomed and blessed. It is because the people consider you as the only leader able to defend their rights and causes. They have put their unquestionable faith and trust in your leadership, because they consider you only the viable leader who is destined with an ability to free people’s democratic rights and freedom that have become trapped into the political drama-house of Sheikh Hasina. Your party has many Freedom Fighters and retired high-profile military officers. You yourself is now a power-house: your leadership has developed through a political process and long struggle and you yourself have become prime minister of Bangladesh three times. Despite that, many critics say there is no visible progress on the ground. Though the politics is harder, your logic is also sharper: YOU ARE FIGHTING TO REGAIN THE LOST POLITICAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOM OF PEOPLE WHO ENSURED THEM FROM THE PAKISTANI KILLING MACHINE THROUGH BLOOD-BIRTH AND SACRIFICE. NO ONE IN THIS INDEPENDENT BANGLADESH WILL BE ALLOWED TO VIOLATE THOSE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, it is the ideal of our Liberation War and it is the case the people want to see it happen once again. I think the relevant people should now focus on some of the inherent shortcomings related to the political strategy of this ongoing political movement. To make strategy work, we should take an in-depth look into the unbridled political ambition which Sheikh Hasina, her party men and women, and ministers have been expressing continuously. 1. Before the end of Sheikh Hasina’s term (before this term) as prime minister, she made several statements expressing her wish to stay as prime minister for another term. Then she and her associates enlarged her ambition up to 2042. They said: “We will transform Bangladesh into a developed country in 2041 or in 2042”. She had polished this ambition with “military essence”. She in several occasions and several times glorified Bangladesh military with beautifully decorated words for her purpose. She termed the military as the defender and protector of “DEMOCRACY” & “CONSTITUTION”. Now the volume of business between her government and army is increasing. THE BANGLADESH ARMY IS NOW WORKING AS PUBLIC SERVICE CONTACTORS, which Dr. Mizanur Raman, the chairman of Bangladesh Human Rights Commission, termed them as “Corporate Body”. They have got the permit to import hundreds of taxi cabs, they are building fly-over, they have secured permission to establish three universities in three-cantonment-locations of the country. WHAT DO THESE MEAN? For me it is a clear indication that Sheikh Hasina is more willing to surrender the power to the military rather than TO a popular party like BNP, as she knows that she has very little chance to be voted to power by the people. In other words, she is playing this military-marka-card as a last resort of sword against her opponents, whether it will work or not. The deliberate imposition of section 144 in the place of Gazipur where you were supposed to address, is an indication of marching towards a possible emergency. But, all of these will be defeated by thoughtfully designed strategy and by the will of the people of Bangladesh. 2. Though mistake is inherent part of human endeavor, fundamental mistake can spoil great thing. Bringing the “democracy march” to Dhaka from the country-sides was such a mistake. While it was quite impossible for the government to rein in millions throughout the whole country, it was then easy to put the whole repressive state machinery on the people in a single place. In regard to Gazipur public meeting, you said: “Where there will be a hindrance, there we will do public meeting. We will go there at any cost”. It was the great decision and it could make a big difference. Finally, it seems that it has gone little bit wrong. 3. The Bakshibazar small battle shows the impression of an upcoming big battle. It also shows that the whole Dhaka is ready. The Gazipur event shows that the whole surrounding of the Dhaka city is ready. A dozen of public meetings you addressed show that the whole country is ready. By this time, many leaders and workers including one rising voice Goeyshwar Roy have been arrested and many have gone invisible. If you can not cope to take rapid and well-versioned strategy, more and more people will drop from the scene. The Bakshibazar event showed how mercilessly and cruelly the BCL supporters beat the JCD workers before the eyes of the police. Now it is the right time to employ and apply the strategy once B.B. Sheikh Mujib used: “Face the enemy with what you have”. I mean that some sort of self-defense is required in the face of atrocities of the ruling party men. The communications between the city leaders and workers and those of rural areas must be strengthened to ensure each others’ safety and shelters to evade arrests and atrocities. Though it is true, it is also too hard to think about such a regime in an independent country which emerged through a supreme sacrifice. IT IS NOW URGENT THAT THE FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS MUST START IN ALL PLACES & FROM ALL PLACES INCLUDING DHAKA CITY AT THE SAME TIME and no repression or crack-down will be able to match with that power of the people. Mass-Revolution helps to reconstruct our morality, politics, economics, societies, ideas and life-style in a new way and when it occurs, it occurs within minutes. ZahirulHoque (Zahir) 29.12.2014 FIGHTING LIKE FREEDOM FIGHTERS AGAINST ONE LIKE A PAKISTANI REGIME: BEGUM KHLEDA ZIA NEEDS TO BE PROMPT AND WISER BEFORE BEING FOOLISH AND CRASHED Having lost their freedom to the British, the people of Bangladesh suffered a prolonged state of misery of repression and exploitation at a straight-road of 200 years long of colonial rule, is now a very frequently talked theme of history. To take a break, the freedom-loving people joined to an uneasy marriage with Pakistan but soon collapsed after 24 years in 1971. The people had to pay a heavy price, a rare sacrifice ever seen in the contemporary history of NATIONS. Once again, this supreme sacrifice demonstrated in the world history how Bangladeshi people love their freedom and rights. It also tells us that these people will never allow anybody to violate their rights and freedom – whether he/she is a foreign or native plunder. Begum Zia, most people have rallied behind you because they believe you will be able to deliver them back their more precious things: their freedom and democratic rights which have been snatched away by Sheikh Hasina. It is so pathetic to think about a regime of post-independent Bangladesh whose behaviours and actions could be so worse and dangerous than those of the British colonizers and Pakistani military regime. Your one basic identity is that you are an uncompromising leader and most people like that essence. And this uncompromising quality is also essentially needed for making a head-way in this troublesome and notorious political situation, but you are also perhaps not immune to simple or fatal mistake and manipulation by others. You are surrounded by dozens of reputed lawyers, intellectuals and diplomats. You are leading a huge popular party which has thousands of dedicated party men and women and idealistic mass-supporters. Wherever you go, you are welcomed and blessed. It is because the people consider you as the only leader able to defend their rights and causes. They have put their unquestionable faith and trust in your leadership, because they consider you only the viable leader who is destined with an ability to free people’s democratic rights and freedom that have become trapped into the political drama-house of Sheikh Hasina. Your party has many Freedom Fighters and retired high-profile military officers. You yourself is now a power-house: your leadership has developed through a political process and long struggle and you yourself have become prime minister of Bangladesh three times. Despite that, many critics say there is no visible progress on the ground. Though the politics is harder, your logic is also sharper: YOU ARE FIGHTING TO REGAIN THE LOST POLITICAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOM OF PEOPLE WHO ENSURED THEM FROM THE PAKISTANI KILLING MACHINE THROUGH BLOOD-BIRTH AND SACRIFICE. NO ONE IN THIS INDEPENDENT BANGLADESH WILL BE ALLOWED TO VIOLATE THOSE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, it is the ideal of our Liberation War and it is the case the people want to see it happen once again. I think the relevant people should now focus on some of the inherent shortcomings related to the political strategy of this ongoing political movement. To make strategy work, we should take an in-depth look into the unbridled political ambition which Sheikh Hasina, her party men and women, and ministers have been expressing continuously. 1. Before the end of Sheikh Hasina’s term (before this term) as prime minister, she made several statements expressing her wish to stay as prime minister for another term. Then she and her associates enlarged her ambition up to 2042. They said: “We will transform Bangladesh into a developed country in 2041 or in 2042”. She had polished this ambition with “military essence”. She in several occasions and several times glorified Bangladesh military with beautifully decorated words for her purpose. She termed the military as the defender and protector of “DEMOCRACY” & “CONSTITUTION”. Now the volume of business between her government and army is increasing. THE BANGLADESH ARMY IS NOW WORKING AS PUBLIC SERVICE CONTACTORS, which Dr. Mizanur Raman, the chairman of Bangladesh Human Rights Commission, termed them as “Corporate Body”. They have got the permit to import hundreds of taxi cabs, they are building fly-over, they have secured permission to establish three universities in three-cantonment-locations of the country. WHAT DO THESE MEAN? For me it is a clear indication that Sheikh Hasina is more willing to surrender the power to the military rather than TO a popular party like BNP, as she knows that she has very little chance to be voted to power by the people. In other words, she is playing this military-marka-card as a last resort of sword against her opponents, whether it will work or not. The deliberate imposition of section 144 in the place of Gazipur where you were supposed to address, is an indication of marching towards a possible emergency. But, all of these will be defeated by thoughtfully designed strategy and by the will of the people of Bangladesh. 2. Though mistake is inherent part of human endeavor, fundamental mistake can spoil great thing. Bringing the “democracy march” to Dhaka from the country-sides was such a mistake. While it was quite impossible for the government to rein in millions throughout the whole country, it was then easy to put the whole repressive state machinery on the people in a single place. In regard to Gazipur public meeting, you said: “Where there will be a hindrance, there we will do public meeting. We will go there at any cost”. It was the great decision and it could make a big difference. Finally, it seems that it has gone little bit wrong. 3. The Bakshibazar small battle shows the impression of an upcoming big battle. It also shows that the whole Dhaka is ready. The Gazipur event shows that the whole surrounding of the Dhaka city is ready. A dozen of public meetings you addressed show that the whole country is ready. By this time, many leaders and workers including one rising voice Goeyshwar Roy have been arrested and many have gone invisible. If you can not cope to take rapid and well-versioned strategy, more and more people will drop from the scene. The Bakshibazar event showed how mercilessly and cruelly the BCL supporters beat the JCD workers before the eyes of the police. Now it is the right time to employ and apply the strategy once B.B. Sheikh Mujib used: “Face the enemy with what you have”. I mean that some sort of self-defense is required in the face of atrocities of the ruling party men. The communications between the city leaders and workers and those of rural areas must be strengthened to ensure each others’ safety and shelters to evade arrests and atrocities. Though it is true, it is also too hard to think about such a regime in an independent country which emerged through a supreme sacrifice. IT IS NOW URGENT THAT THE FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS MUST START IN ALL PLACES & FROM ALL PLACES INCLUDING DHAKA CITY AT THE SAME TIME and no repression or crack-down will be able to match with that power of the people. Mass-Revolution helps to reconstruct our morality, politics, economics, societies, ideas and life-style in a new way and when it occurs, it occurs within minutes. ZahirulHoque (Zahir) 29.12.2014 FIGHTING LIKE FREEDOM FIGHTERS AGAINST ONE LIKE A PAKISTANI REGIME: BEGUM KHLEDA ZIA NEEDS TO BE PROMPT AND WISER BEFORE BEING FOOLISH AND CRASHED Having lost their freedom to the British, the people of Bangladesh suffered a prolonged state of misery of repression and exploitation at a straight-road of 200 years long of colonial rule, is now a very frequently talked theme of history. To take a break, the freedom-loving people joined to an uneasy marriage with Pakistan but soon collapsed after 24 years in 1971. The people had to pay a heavy price, a rare sacrifice ever seen in the contemporary history of NATIONS. Once again, this supreme sacrifice demonstrated in the world history how Bangladeshi people love their freedom and rights. It also tells us that these people will never allow anybody to violate their rights and freedom – whether he/she is a foreign or native plunder. Begum Zia, most people have rallied behind you because they believe you will be able to deliver them back their more precious things: their freedom and democratic rights which have been snatched away by Sheikh Hasina. It is so pathetic to think about a regime of post-independent Bangladesh whose behaviours and actions could be so worse and dangerous than those of the British colonizers and Pakistani military regime. Your one basic identity is that you are an uncompromising leader and most people like that essence. And this uncompromising quality is also essentially needed for making a head-way in this troublesome and notorious political situation, but you are also perhaps not immune to simple or fatal mistake and manipulation by others. You are surrounded by dozens of reputed lawyers, intellectuals and diplomats. You are leading a huge popular party which has thousands of dedicated party men and women and idealistic mass-supporters. Wherever you go, you are welcomed and blessed. It is because the people consider you as the only leader able to defend their rights and causes. They have put their unquestionable faith and trust in your leadership, because they consider you only the viable leader who is destined with an ability to free people’s democratic rights and freedom that have become trapped into the political drama-house of Sheikh Hasina. Your party has many Freedom Fighters and retired high-profile military officers. You yourself is now a power-house: your leadership has developed through a political process and long struggle and you yourself have become prime minister of Bangladesh three times. Despite that, many critics say there is no visible progress on the ground. Though the politics is harder, your logic is also sharper: YOU ARE FIGHTING TO REGAIN THE LOST POLITICAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOM OF PEOPLE WHO ENSURED THEM FROM THE PAKISTANI KILLING MACHINE THROUGH BLOOD-BIRTH AND SACRIFICE. NO ONE IN THIS INDEPENDENT BANGLADESH WILL BE ALLOWED TO VIOLATE THOSE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, it is the ideal of our Liberation War and it is the case the people want to see it happen once again. I think the relevant people should now focus on some of the inherent shortcomings related to the political strategy of this ongoing political movement. To make strategy work, we should take an in-depth look into the unbridled political ambition which Sheikh Hasina, her party men and women, and ministers have been expressing continuously. 1. Before the end of Sheikh Hasina’s term (before this term) as prime minister, she made several statements expressing her wish to stay as prime minister for another term. Then she and her associates enlarged her ambition up to 2042. They said: “We will transform Bangladesh into a developed country in 2041 or in 2042”. She had polished this ambition with “military essence”. She in several occasions and several times glorified Bangladesh military with beautifully decorated words for her purpose. She termed the military as the defender and protector of “DEMOCRACY” & “CONSTITUTION”. Now the volume of business between her government and army is increasing. THE BANGLADESH ARMY IS NOW WORKING AS PUBLIC SERVICE CONTACTORS, which Dr. Mizanur Raman, the chairman of Bangladesh Human Rights Commission, termed them as “Corporate Body”. They have got the permit to import hundreds of taxi cabs, they are building fly-over, they have secured permission to establish three universities in three-cantonment-locations of the country. WHAT DO THESE MEAN? For me it is a clear indication that Sheikh Hasina is more willing to surrender the power to the military rather than TO a popular party like BNP, as she knows that she has very little chance to be voted to power by the people. In other words, she is playing this military-marka-card as a last resort of sword against her opponents, whether it will work or not. The deliberate imposition of section 144 in the place of Gazipur where you were supposed to address, is an indication of marching towards a possible emergency. But, all of these will be defeated by thoughtfully designed strategy and by the will of the people of Bangladesh. 2. Though mistake is inherent part of human endeavor, fundamental mistake can spoil great thing. Bringing the “democracy march” to Dhaka from the country-sides was such a mistake. While it was quite impossible for the government to rein in millions throughout the whole country, it was then easy to put the whole repressive state machinery on the people in a single place. In regard to Gazipur public meeting, you said: “Where there will be a hindrance, there we will do public meeting. We will go there at any cost”. It was the great decision and it could make a big difference. Finally, it seems that it has gone little bit wrong. 3. The Bakshibazar small battle shows the impression of an upcoming big battle. It also shows that the whole Dhaka is ready. The Gazipur event shows that the whole surrounding of the Dhaka city is ready. A dozen of public meetings you addressed show that the whole country is ready. By this time, many leaders and workers including one rising voice Goeyshwar Roy have been arrested and many have gone invisible. If you can not cope to take rapid and well-versioned strategy, more and more people will drop from the scene. The Bakshibazar event showed how mercilessly and cruelly the BCL supporters beat the JCD workers before the eyes of the police. Now it is the right time to employ and apply the strategy once B.B. Sheikh Mujib used: “Face the enemy with what you have”. I mean that some sort of self-defense is required in the face of atrocities of the ruling party men. The communications between the city leaders and workers and those of rural areas must be strengthened to ensure each others’ safety and shelters to evade arrests and atrocities. Though it is true, it is also too hard to think about such a regime in an independent country which emerged through a supreme sacrifice. IT IS NOW URGENT THAT THE FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS MUST START IN ALL PLACES & FROM ALL PLACES INCLUDING DHAKA CITY AT THE SAME TIME and no repression or crack-down will be able to match with that power of the people. Mass-Revolution helps to reconstruct our morality, politics, economics, societies, ideas and life-style in a new way and when it occurs, it occurs within minutes. ZahirulHoque (Zahir) 29.12.2014
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:36:04 +0000

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