The Aquarius full Moon occurs just a few hours after the Sun - TopicsExpress


The Aquarius full Moon occurs just a few hours after the Sun enters Leo on July 22. This is the first of two full Moons in the sign of Aquarius -- the second one on August 20 will be a Blue Moon (when there are two full Moons in an astrological month). After the second Aquarius full Moon, we’ll be back on the new Moon/full Moon lunar cycle. The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 1 degree Leo is: Blood rushes to a man’s head in anger. Anger is an intense emotion that mobilizes our vital energies to defend ourselves. Will we give in and attack or will we process the emotion and understand just what it is that makes us so angry? Is it righteous indignation or a need to fight for personal rights? Can we use our will to direct these energies properly? Since the blood goes to the man’s head, perhaps we need to ‘use our heads’ and not get caught up in emotional drama. The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 1 degree Aquarius is: A cubical white temple in the desert. The desert strips you bare -- it leaves you to face your essential self. Since this is a temple in the desert, it is dedicated to the basic spiritual and natural laws of life. Leaving religions behind us, we can seed a new spiritual vision that encompasses the realities of our times and can be a basis for a new civilization based on partnership between masculine and feminine rather than patriarchal domination over everyone else. The old gods are dead -- a new age calls us to spiritual and earthy freedom. Every year we cycle through all the signs of the zodiac along with the Sun. As we enter the sign of Leo, our attention turns to Leo’s truths: self-confidence, creativity, self-expression, personal power, generosity, playfulness and Individuation. More than any other sign, Leo represents the urge that Carl Jung called "individuation" -- our soulful need to be unique individuals. But unlike ego-individuality, individuation helps us also see that we are part of a larger group. That larger group is represented by Aquarius. Aquarius offers us the possibility of alliances with like-minded individuals working toward a common goal. So while we work on our personal hopes, we also can be working on our shared dreams. Saturn in Scorpio squares this full Moon, showing us where we need to make some inner changes so we can all work together. Saturn demands that we take responsibility for our lives, and with the square to the full Moon, it shows us where we are accountable for the mess in our lives. Full Moons bring us awareness through relationships. Saturn squaring the full Moon says, "if you want to become aware of how you fit into the group, pay attention to how you feel with others." But since Saturn is still part of the grand water trine -- especially now that Jupiter and Mars are part of it -- we will have the energy, enthusiasm and confidence to move ahead with our plans. Keep sharing those plans with like-minded people because that’s how collective change happens. It’s time to realize that "no man is an island" and that if we really mean it that we want to change our world, then we have to find others to work with. This full Moon and the second Aquarius full Moon will help us connect. The last week of July will be intense as Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn and squares Uranus in Aries. Watch some long-standing issues come to a head and beware of jumping to conclusions without getting all the information. This volatile combination can give rise to power struggles. Are they worth it? When you become a vessel of power, which is the feminine way of handling power, there are no struggles. Just an easy flow of handing power around the circle.... by Cathy Pagano July 01, 2013 09:42 AM EST
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 10:07:29 +0000

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