FINGERING THE SIERRA LEONE CONSTITUTION. THE CRY OF THE PEOPLE!!!APC PLEASE DONT FINGER THE CONSTITUTION!!!! The determination and overzealousness of President Koroma to manipulate the Sierra Leone 1991 constitution by the so called Constitutional Review Committee(CRC) process inorder to extend his stay in power by extending the presidential term limit from Five years to Seven years per term, or for him to have third term in office under his infamous slogan of AFTER U NA U is not a hidden secret any longer.When he started planning this diabolic agenda people are alleging vociferous from different arenas that president Koroma contacted four BIG NAME judges in our society, inorder for One of them to head the constitutional review committee(CRC).According to sources the first three judges president Koroma approached after he had preached to them secretly his agenda to prolong his stay in Power.They told President right in his face that they would not play that Dirty Game of manipulating the constitution for him to stay in power longer than what the current Sierra Leone National constitution prescribed because acccording to international best pratices the overwhelming majority of countries in the world use FOUR or FIVE YEARS per term and not exceeding TWO term of office for the presidency,and it is enshrined in their respective national constitutions as an unamendable clause;eg Nigeria,South Africa,Kenya,Zambia,Malawi,Ghana,Guinea and even the great USA etc etc etc.And the three judges again said to him that they dont want themselves to be remembered negatively by people like JUSTICE MARCUS COLE who was in charge of the Clumsy Case of the Late Dr. MOHAMED SORIE FORNAH and FOURTEEN OTHERS during the dark governance era of Siaka Stevens in Sierra Leone under the APC political party.The fourth judge however accepted the job by the person of JUSTICE EDMOND COWAN, who is now the head of the CRC.People are saying that Justice Cowan is financially gluttonous and people in the country are now pointing accusing fingers that president Koroma have given him hundreds of thounsands of US dollars for him to technically insert presidential term extention in the draft constitution for the forthcoming referendum because in essence that is the main reason of such plebiscite by the APC government.All other things that will be encompassed in the draft constutional package for the referendum is just a mere smoke screen for president Koroma to achieve his agenda of AFTER U NA U. Sierra Leoneans this is our time for us to take our stance,so that we shall be applauded by people in the whole World and posterity will judge our generation positively .The Only way as a Nation that we can prevent and resist the desperation of president Koromas presidential term extension.We should not allowed any referendum that allows for any presidential term extension because honestly the people of Sierra Leone are not in need of it.How shall we go about it as a Nation?.As a pacifist i am firmly supporting the view for us as a Nation to embraced the concept of pacifism when we are executing our national duty to uphold democracy in our nation. No sooner the CRC final draft constitutional document is out if its includes extension of the term of office of the presidency.Sierra Leoneans all over the country be it Civil Socities,Youth Groups,Student Groups from all Tertiary Institutions,Sierra Leone Bar Association,SLAJ,SLTU,Trade Union Groups,religious Groups,Opposition Political Parties and Suppoters/Members of the Ruling APC that are opposed to president koroma presidential term extension agenda and other groups unspecified we must come out on the streets in our chinese numbers and engaged ourselves in PEACEFUL demonstrations everyday against the government referendum until the government removed that particular item of extension of the term of the presidency in the draft constitutional package.That would be the Only saving grace of our beloved democracy in Sierra Leone.Any action other than this action will be bound to failed, and it would be the most catathrophic mistake by we Sierra Leoneans.There is also a very strong allegation that president Koroma had also bribed key players at the National Electoral Commission(NEC) so that the whole referendum will be an organised joke because the president has already decided the outcome of such event.Another dangerous blunder Sierra leoneans will also make is to rely on parliament.The Sierra Leone parliament is highly unreliable like the Russian wheather.Rumours has it that president Koroma have given huge sum of money to his own APC members of parliament and some oppositon, SLPP parliamentarians. So they would just rubber stamp any draft constitution presented to them by CRC and any outcome of the referendum. As it was quite evident recently when parliament took an unprecedented route to change the then speaker of parliament,JUSTICE ABEL STRONG.Because of the negative manner in which it was carried out prompted one of the members of the CRC,namely Dr OMODELE JONES to resigned from the Constitutional Review committee(CRC),in protest of the double standards of the ruling APC Government. So Sierra Leoneans our future of democracy in our country lies in our hands now.Whether we accept the referendum that includes presidential term extension or we reject it by peaceful demonstrations that would prevent such indecent referedum not to take place.I am strongly convinced by my conviction that Sierra Leoneans would go for the Second option ie preventing such desperate move by president Koroma through Peaceful demonstrations in all part of the Country,and Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora must do like wise at their respective Sierra Leonean Embassies and offices of rights groups .By telling president Koroma simply that he must follow the good democratic foot steps of former president TEJAN KABBAH and not the ugly foot steps of LAUREN GBAGBO of Ivory Coast or BLAISE CAMPORE of BukinaFaso that created unwarrannted political topsyturvy in their respective countries.I want these people to be reminded that if there is any chaos in Sierra Leone which would lead to the loss of lives and properties due to Constitutional manipulations to extend president Koroma term of office by even One day after his Ten years legitimate tenure,which ends2017/18.PRESIDENT KOROMA and JUSTICE EDMOND COWAN would bear the greatest responsibility for that.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:56:50 +0000

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