FIVE The story of human Part 1 – Adam over angels 2:30 - - TopicsExpress


FIVE The story of human Part 1 – Adam over angels 2:30 - AND LO Your Sustainer said unto the angels: Behold, I am about to establish upon earth one who shall inherit it. They said: Will You place on it such as will spread corruption thereon and shed blood - whereas it is we who extol Your limitless glory, and praise You, and hallow Your name? [God] answered: Verily, I know that which you do not know. (The Qur’an 2:30) This is the Qur’anic story of the origin of life, as in human species. When I read these verses I don’t find doubts in God’s words. I don’t have any science versus God conflict in my mind. I know my supplication for guidance has been answered and the entire Quran has been revealed as my personal guide. I have taken this Divine Writ as the undoubted truth and definitive fact. For those who are not interested in accepting God’s version and rather believe in the Darwinian speculations or paleontologist’s conjectures, these facts are not for you. In my view the prerequisite to accepting this definitive guide to the origin of human species requires faith in God and acceptance of His words as the supreme truth. In my world advance science or super scientists do not supersede God nor do they become God. For me God is always right and science is only a process that tries to get it right. I have yet to find one single Qur’anic fact proven to be unscientific but I have ample examples to show how many scientific facts have become unscientific within months. In these verses I have understood how God began my origin. In other words, how I came to being and what constitutes my essential makeup is being described in details. My physical and metaphysical substances have been formulated, fashioned and molded in one super stroke of genius in this particular story. This is not simple science of empirical observations but one that is designed by the Divine Originator and such that is beyond the reach of human perception. One day, without prior warning or even a hint of His plan God announced to the angels that he is about to create a species, who would plainly inherit the earth. He called them Khalifa, which literally means those who succeed. God in His infinite plan had assigned the earth to be inhabited by a species that would be both cable and worthy of it. He had not fashioned the entire universe without a purpose and in His masterplan the coming of human beings certainly played the pivotal role. So one day He told the angels that He is about to send such a species on this earth. The angels out of previous experience of another species that was sent on this earth but caused much bloodshed and mischief recalled their experience. They were not objecting to God’s plan, they were not questioning it; they were not even expressing their person views; for angels are not capable of formulating their own and independent views. They were recalling their experience of having to deal with a rowdy bunch not that long ago. They remembered having to destroy the troublemakers from this earth. The cleansing process must have taken a tremendous effort and they had to undertake that task without substantially destroying the earth’s natural and ecological environments. The earth was being kept protected and clean for its rightful inheritors. God had just made the announcement of their imminent arrival. The angels have also been programmed by God to know that their only function for existence has been to praise God and sanctify His name. They could not fathom the purpose of another creation. How could they? God did not give them that information nor did He install in them the processor that could detect it. They were lacking the intellectual faculty to process that information. They were merely robots with artificial intelligence limited to the intelligence God had provided them. God is the owner and maker of intelligence so no matter how artificially intelligent angels become they cannot beat the Originator or intelligence. This would apply to any subsequent creations. God simply told them - Verily, I know that which you do not know. This is enough to establish one unequivocal fact, God is the supreme and His knowledge encompasses the past, present and future. For Him everything is present. He knows exactly what the new species would be capable of doing and how far they could reach. He knew the limits and weaknesses of His own creation. He was placing them to a time and a place and it is within this parameter that the inheritors of the earth would have to operate. They could not reach beyond their physical scope in or around the earth. God’s domain is not bound by time or space, so why should a limited species every worry Him? While the angels were aware of the past and they were witnessing the present but they were incapable of being aware of the future. In fact no species are capable of predicting the future, let alone knowing it for certainty! So God telling them that He knew what they did not know was a statement of fact. Thus, the first human Adam was born! 2:31 - And He imparted unto Adam the names of all things; then He brought them within the cognizance of the angels and said: Declare unto Me the names of these [things], if what you say is true. To be continued…
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:16:07 +0000

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