FOR ALL YOU IDIOTS I MET YESTERDAY WHILE I WAS TRYING TO GET TO WORK BECAUSE THE STORM SHUT US DOWN; Here you are! How to Handle Four-Way Stops: The Dummies Guide The simplicity of the four-way stop can easily be shown in these few key concepts. A four-way stop is any intersection with a stop sign in each direction, a flashing red light in each direction, or a broken traffic light should be treated as a four-way stop normally would. Four-way stops are usually (but not always) labeled as such, having a rectangular sign below the octagonal shape which reads something to the effect of, “4-Way Stop,” “Four-Way Stop,” or “All-Way Stop.” Each driver arriving at a four-way stop must first come to a stop, then one driver proceeds at a time. If turning, as you approach a four-way stop engage your turn signal about one hundred feet prior to reaching the stop sign. The four-way stop is one of the most crucial places for using your turn signal compared to almost any other driving situation. Four-way stops always operate in a clockwise direction. That is to say, the car furthest to the right always has the right of way, and then cars take their turns in a clockwise direction. If multiple cars approach a four-way stop at about the same time, the driver who comes to a complete stop first proceeds first. If two or more cars arrive at a four-way stop simultaneously, the driver furthest to the right always proceeds first, and each next driver in the clockwise direction follows. If four cars arrive at a four-way stop simultaneously, drivers going straight should proceed first. If all four are turning right, they may all proceed simultaneously. These aside, there is no distinguishable way to see who should go first, so the intersection is at a standstill until one driver gets up the nerve and begins to inch forward, alerting the other drivers of his or her intentions, and proceeds through the intersection (thus starting the clockwise rotation from that driver). If two cars opposite each other are proceeding straight, both turning right, or one proceeding straight with the other turning right, they may go at the same time. The turn then goes to the adjacent cars at the stop, who may follow the same rule if applicable.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:14:26 +0000

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