FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BAY AREA SUDANESE STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH PROTESTERS IN SUDAN Sunday Demonstration Planned at San Francisco’s Union Square SAN FRANCISCO, CA – October 8, 2013 – Sudanese Diaspora living in the Bay Area are planning a demonstration on Sunday, October 13th from 2pm – 5pm at Union Square in San Francisco. The San Francisco demonstration is part of a larger global movement of Sudanese inside and outside of Sudan that is demanding an end to the Bashir regime. Protests in Khartoum began in September in response to the lifting of fuel subsidies, which created even greater hardships for a population already suffering from mismanaged and failed political and economic policies. The government’s harsh response to the protesters, which has left over 200 dead and hundreds injured and arrested, has ignited a deep reaction by Sudanese in Khartoum and other major cities that reflects the dissatisfaction and need for change felt by the periphery, in places like Darfur, for decades. Protests are not new in Sudan – occurring most recently in 2011 and 2012 in response to austerity measures. What is new, however, is the extent to which Sudanese are unified in their opposition to the government. From North to South, East to West, Sudanese are protesting the current government and demanding change. Armed rebels, peaceful protesters, youth, women and trade unions are coming together and demanding, with one voice, a new representative government that will honor and protect the diversity of Sudan and develop and manage the resources of the country for the purpose of making Sudan a great nation once again. Protesters in Sunday’s demonstration will wear white to symbolize the demand for a new day in Sudan and to remember those who sacrificed their lives in service to the people and the future of Sudan. The protest is organized by the Sudanese community of Northern California.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 05:23:02 +0000

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