FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT READ FRENCH I HAVE TRANSLATED THIS INTO ENGLISH...... JEWS ARE BEING ASKED TO LEAVE FRANCE DUE TO ANTISEMITISM! IT IS TIME FOR THEM TO COME HOME TO ISRAEL! THIS SAME THING WILL HAPPEN IN AMERICA.... IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME! Toulouse: the situation of the Jews is worrying Arie Bensemhoun, president of the Jewish community encourages young Jews to leave France for Israel. The president of the Jewish community of Toulouse Arie Bensemhoun was the guest Grand Direct of Jean-Charles Banoun tonight at i24news studios in Paris on the eve of the commemoration of the second anniversary of the killings of Toulouse and Montauban during which the terrorist Mohamed Merah had killed 7 people including 3 military and 4 civilians, including 3 children in the Jewish school Ohr Torah. Arie Bensemhoun is shown very pessimistic about the future of the Jews of the Toulouse region, not hesitating to call to make Aliyah, i.e. to leave France for Israel. Everyone has taken the measure of what this new anti-Semitism, which often takes the mask of anti-Zionism is a real threat to the whole of the French company, said Arie Bensemhoun, adding: those who threaten Israel also threaten the France and beyond even the Jews, beyond anti-Semitism, it is the base of the values on which rests the Republic which is trying to crack. The president of the Jewish community of Toulouse called for a Jolt from the silent majority in this fight. Should mobilise society French, while those who remain silent in the face of the rise of extremism. The enemies of the Jews are also the enemies of the Republic; hammers. Asked about the climate prevailing in Toulouse against the Jews, the president of the community does not hide its concern while one would have thought to awareness since the attacks of March 2012. The situation is extremely worrying. For two years the situation has continued to deteriorate. We are faced with the rise of radical Islamism. We have in the region a real home of propaganda and Islamist mobilization with young converts or not who traveled to Syria or elsewhere to make Jihad. And we have a far-left extremely anti-Zionist, therefore extremely anti-Semitic, analysis Bensemhoun which continues: we are therefore stuck between the anti-Zionist extreme left, the extreme right, who cried in the streets of Paris there not so long ago and Toulouse - Jew, casse toi, the France is not yours! - and in the middle of all cela radical Islamist who make their honey of a situation which becomes quasi insurrectionary. The community leader observed large numbers of departure of the members of the Jewish community because of this situation, referring to figures multiplied by 3 or even 4. I cant tell the community: stay here, hopefully, everything will work out, this is not the reality. Arie Bensemhoun insists on its dual responsibility: to fight against antisemitism, but also fight for the defense of the Republic that we have in the heart and I feel an exile of the Interior. And he added: We also have a responsibility towards our children, new generations. What will become? What is their future in a society and in a city where the pressure is ever greater and where there is always a feeling that refer you to a ghetto in which we do not want to return. This is the reason why Arie Bensemhoun comes to the conclusion that it is time for young people to leave the region, because he quotes the words of Minister french of Interior Manuel Valls that there are hundreds of Mohamed Merah ready to take action. I do not hide, well Yes, I urge young people to make Aliyah (emigration to Israel, Editors note) or to go to other horizons where they can flourish in an open Judaism, emancipated without being constantly in fear of what will happen to them tomorrow, concludes Arie Bensemhoun, who believes that the attacks of Montauban and toulouse could unfortunately happen again anywhere in France or in Europe. A ceremony will be held Wednesday, March 19 to Toulouse in memory of the 7 victims of the attacks of Montauban and Toulouse, in the presence of french Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, President of the Parliament European Martin Schulz and philosopher Alain Finkielkraut.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:35:03 +0000

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