FORMER NEW YORK MAYOR RUDY GIULIANI HAS THE RIGHT IDEA ABOUT HOW YOU TREAT RACE HUSTLERS (Part 2 of a 2-part series, “Whining While Black”) PLEASE BRACE FOR A LONGER READ, MANDATED BY THE DEATHS OF TWO POLICE OFFICERS! The responsibility for the incident Saturday, in which two police officers were gunned down, in cold blood, should be placed where it belongs, at the blood-stained feet of President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, New York City Mayor William De Blasio, the nation’s number one race baiter, Al Sharpton, the incredibly corrupt news media, the entertainment industry, and the useful idiots who are clueless about how they are being manipulated by people who are mean-spirited, devious, cunning, and, yes, racist. They all have these officers’ blood on their hands. It is quite sickening to see racists like Al Sharpton, and other demonstration leaders in front of cameras, disavowing the violence which took the lives of these officers, pretending they only want peaceful protests, and are surprised that demonstrations, which have never been peaceful, led to this inevitable carnage. Sharpton is so surprised, according to his tall tale today, that demonstrations he leads, end in violence, but when have they ever led to peace, in a single case? This man won’t stop leading these marches, until there is violence. And the reason he won’t stop is because that is how this absolutely disgusting man maintains public relevance, and, of course, how he gets paid. Sharpton doesn’t have any principles; his bottom line is the bottom line, and it has mattered not, who is holding the checkbook. This obscenely corrupt man likes money, and he craves power, neither of which he has any real talents to obtain, so when events such as in New York and Ferguson take place, get ready for some window smashing, looting, and confrontations with police, not just in the places where these incidents occur, but across the nation. Sharpton wants to make it clear that, in his warped mind, the entire nation is responsible. America is guilty, and America must pay. Pay for what? Let me answer that one, right now if you don’t mind. America must pay for slavery which was maintained by the “Solid South,” meaning the Democratic Party South, must pay for the Democratic Party’s consignment of blacks to second-class citizenship in former confederate States, pay for the Democratic Party’s Jim Crow laws in the South, and pay for the Democratic Party’s overall segregation practices in the South, from 1865-1965. No wonder this man is a Democrat! The pretense, of course, is that these present demonstrations are about Michael Brown and Eric Garner, but what do these cases have to do with even the two cities in which these incidents occurred. A Grand Jury was convened in both cases. What does Al Sharpton know that these Grand Jurors don’t know? If the answer is that he knows racism, then let him know this, the presumption of racism, when there is no racism, is racism. Eric Garner would have been tackled, and handcuffed, regardless of his race. These officers were there to arrest him, not to kill him. What started that process rolling was not the officer’s placement of Garner under arrest, but his resistance to the arrest. [More on this case below about the cause of Garner’s death.] In the Michael Brown case, it is even more ludicrous to be out there demonstrating over what amounts to an officer preventing a thug from taking his gun, and shooting him with it. [More about this case below too.] Calling Al Sharpton a “Rat,” as the New York Post did when it was discovered that Sharpton had turned on his Mafia associates, and had become an FBI informant, after being caught on tape, with now “Little Al” (having lost weight) assigned agent number C 1-7, with the “c,” one assumes, standing for “crazy,” was an insult --- to rats. Al Sharpton is not a “Rat” (my apologies to “Ben”), Sharpton is a hoodlum, a pathological liar, and a racist opportunist, who has an attention deficit disorder when it comes to blacks killing other blacks. There is no attention to the latter because there is no money in the deal. Given the orchestration of events that took place, both publicly and behind the scene, since August 9, the day of Michael Brown’s death, it was just a matter of time before the murder of police officers took place. Make no mistake about it; the murders of these officers in New York, took place in the names of all of the above. Sharpton, in particular, who is running for cover now that there is public glare on his incendiary, criminal, vulgar, and insulting use of race to drive his agenda, is remindful of what Joe Louis told Billy Conn, in 1941, “He can run, but he can’t hide.” Neither of these cases has anything to do with race, which is what was stated in the Garner case, by Garner’s own widow, but the hard of hearing Sharpton could not allow that to stop him from stirring up another mob, and President Obama could not let an invented crisis go to waste, not when it could be used to provide cover for diabolical plans, that are in the works to fundamentally transform this country, which Obama promised to do, and has been doing for 6 years, and counting. A spotlight on what they are both doing is the last thing they want, which is why there is constant pointing, elsewhere, away from themselves, and toward “villains,” which they manufacture as if they are working on an assembly line, jumping from one event, to the other. President Obama, for his part, said, in 2008, that he would fundamentally transform this nation, but it was not clear at the time what he meant by his comment, and how he would bring such about. Six years later, it is clear what he meant by fundamentally changing this country, and how he would do it, which is “by any means necessary,” not letting any crisis go to waste, and creating crises where none exist. Obama’s lawlessness is the means toward the stated end. For six years, and counting, Barack Obama has been using the bully pulpit of the presidency, in a subtle attempt, basically, to mold Jeremiah Wright’s narrative, “Got Damn America,” into an Orwellian future for this country. What President Obama is doing makes no sense unless what he is doing is placed in the context of a person who had Obama’s troubled, traumatic childhood, a confused upbringing across cultural and racial lines, that have led him into a lifelong search for an identity in places where wounded spirits were lurking in the shadows. It is within those shadows that Obama learned to hide, as he did in his 2008 campaign where he hid who he was, from the American people. In that respect, he both ran, and hid. Obama, one must say, to be truthful, is not the first incompetent President this country has ever had; almost all of this country’s leaders have been incompetent, and corrupt, but Obama is the first President to have a seething hatred for this country. Everything Barack Hussein Obama (talk to the hand) has done as President, practically speaking, has been done as an outlet for the expression of his contempt for the United States, and for the American people. His attacks, in that regard, have been ongoing, and relentless, and these attacks are now, undeniable. Those who would engage in denial, after New York, and the murder of police officers, murdered in the name of a false narrative carried by all of the false prophets mentioned above, are beneath contempt. The white police officer, who arrested Henry Louis Gates, in 2009, was not acting “stupidly,” as stated by Obama, but doing his job. Trayvon Martin was not Obama’s son, and it was impossible for Obama to adopt Trayvon Martin after his death. So, what was that about, if I might ask? The jury’s verdict, in the Trayvon Martin case, by the way, did not do justice, but it was not as Obama, Holder, and Sharpton, would pretend, that is was an injustice to Trayvon Martin. The injustice was to George Zimmerman. There should never have been a trial, in the first place. There is nothing in the Constitution which says that a person should not do all within his means to keep himself from getting killed. And for those who still pretend that they can’t tell whose voice is on the 911 tape, screaming for his life, in the case, I have nothing to say to you, and have nothing but the highest contempt for your cultivated dishonesty. Police Officer Darren Wilson lost his job, in Ferguson, Missouri, for doing his job, for crying out loud! Should he have shot Michael Brown? Yep, and as many times as it took to stop him from reaching this officer and relieving him of his gun, which was what Brown tried to do, while the officer sat in his patrol car, and later would have done if Brown had reached the officer he was charging at the time he was fatally shot. How many bullets were fired? Who cares? Was he stopped? If so, then SHUT UP! What was this officer supposed to do, plant some roses? A Grand Jury was convened only because of the vigilantes who had again taken to the streets, led there by the news media, and kept there by Al Sharpton, and we now know, by President Obama’s encouragement. In the Eric Garner case, useful idiots walked around with signs, and other boneheads wore shirts which said, “I Can’t Breathe,” never quite figuring out why Eric Garner said 11 times that he couldn’t breathe, but did not say a single time that he couldn’t breathe because he was being choked. No one in the media said it either, being careful to lead the non-discerning public to the conclusion, without actually saying such, avoiding liability. Garner didn’t die because he was choked to death, and the media dared not say it. He died as a result of chest compression, known as Restraint-Related Positional Asphyxia, a breathing problem brought on by Garner lying face down, the position he had to be in to get him handcuffed, with his hands behind his back. Officers were on top of Garner, to affect his arrest, but because he is lying on cement, this compressed position reduced Eric Garner’s air intake. Claims, otherwise, are absurd. Oh, and have I said “Shut Up” already?! In each of the above mentioned cases, Obama has intervened in the narrative, and so has Eric Holder, but take note of the fact that Holder’s legal action has never matched, or followed, his public statements. The reason is that his public comments are not supported by the facts, and Holder shows by his legal inaction, that he knows it. This absolutely despicable man, in some ways more despicable than Sharpton, because of the position he holds, a man who is truly disgusting, has brought no charges in a single one of these cases. And that fact, alone, speaks volumes about how corrupt this man is, pouring gasoline on raging, racial fires, knowing, full-well, that he is lying. Holder is doing more than grandstanding, he is making a mockery out of law enforcement in this country, and after New York, Eric Holder, who, one has to be reminded, is Attorney General of the United States, is also aiding and abetting police officers getting killed. There is blood here, and it is on Holder’s hands! In the latter regard, Holder has plenty of help, especially from those who are now running for the exit lanes, including Obama, the despicable New York Mayor, De Blasio, along with, of course, racist flame-thrower, Al Sharpton, all seeking to divert attention, presently, away from their roles in these murders by expressing outrage, even surprise, over someone using Eric Garner’s death, to justify executing two police officers, execution style, while they were sitting in their patrol car. Yikes! All are surprised, as if they were unaware that a mob, which they had helped assemble, was marching, chanting, “What do we want?” The response was, “Dead police officers,” repeated over and over again. See if you can find any comments from the new “Three Stooges,” Obama, Holder, and Sharpton, condemning these incendiary comments, prior to the deaths of these two officers. How do their “Johnny-come-lately” comments stack up with their incendiary history? On April 26, 2008, syndicated columnist, Michelle Malkin, wrote an article headlined, “Disgusting demagogue Sharpton leads ‘Kill the Police’ rally: When will media and politicos disavow this agent of hate?” So much for Sharpton’s present rhetoric about being outraged over the deaths of these officers, this man has built his career on noting other than racial animus. If peace broke out, Sharpton would not know what to do with “his self,” and the same can be said for Obama, and Eric Holder. It was reported that, during the Ferguson demonstrations, Obama met with some of the ringleaders, telling them to stay the course, which was to say, stay in the streets. It is one thing for a race merchant like Al Sharpton to act as a racial provocateur, but we are in whole new playbook when a President, and the Justice Department, join such advocacy. We saw what could happen through the use of race, when Democratic Party officials in the South used race to whip mobs into a feeding frenzy, in order for Democratic Party officeholders to hold on to power, which they did by manipulating the human sheep of that day. That playbook is being used in the present sewer, in the nation’s capital. In Part 1 of this 2-part narrative, I stated that Bill O’Reilly’s “talking points” on race were the highlights of an, otherwise, useless discussion on the subject, in a special program shown on Friday, on the Fox Network. But, in the wake of these officer’s murders, I need to change the intended narrative just a bit to engage more specifically in why it was, for the most part, a useless conversation on race. These television discussions never get around to taking a look at why race baiters are making these outlandish racial claims, never placing “made-up racism” alongside of its “alleged racism” reports. In the Michael Brown case, for instance, in order to make the claim it was about race, one would have to conclude that officer Darren Wilson would have allowed a white person to take his gun and shoot him with it, to make the case that he killed Brown because of Brown’s race. In Eric Garner’s case, one would have to argue that if Garner had been white, and had resisted arrest, police officers would have walked away, saying, in essence, “Well, if he doesn’t want to get arrested, he doesn’t have to get arrested, due to white male privilege.” Please show me a single time that has been the case, where a white person, resisting arrest, wasn’t arrested. I’ll wait right here. Anyone resisting arrest is gin got be arrested, and the only question is, how much force will it take to accomplish what is a predetermined outcome. In the latest edition of “People” magazine, Obama stated, in an interview what he does in discussing racial matters with his daughters, saying he tells them about how far this nation has come, but how far it still has to go. The destination, one notices, is never made clear. Just where are we going, and why are we going there? Are we going there because Obama was mistaken for a valet outside of a restaurant when he was some unknown in Chicago? Or, is this trip one based upon a complaint lodged in the article by Michelle Obama, which was that she was at a store, all 5’10 of her, without her heels on, and someone had the nerve to ask her if she could reach a box on a shelf? Will that require the passage of a law in the future that makes it illegal for short people to ask tall people, their bettors in the tall department, to reach an object on a shelf? In Obama’s case, is the solution to his identity problem, that everybody assume, first, when they meet a black stranger, that all black males, who are unknown, will one day be Presidents, and, thus, could not possibly be a valet before becoming President, although there are many black valets, but we have only had two acknowledged black Presidents, and one of them, William Jefferson Clinton, was white. Go figure. In the Obamas’ next talk with their daughters on race, maybe there will be some time to tell them why they won’t be able to walk down a single street, at night, alone, in a single black community in this country, when they grow up, and go out on their own, which tells us, indeed, how far this nation has to go, while saying nothing about racism being the reason we have to go. When O’Reilly has future programs on race, he should invite former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and ask him one question, “Why did you ignore Al Sharpton during your entire tenure as Mayor of New York?” That answer would do more for civil rights than anything presently being said, and done by these public nuisances. If we are going to make any progress in this country on matters of race, this country needs to learn how to deal with race hustlers. Rudy Giuliani seems to have a patent on that, which explains why crime went down so dramatically in the black community, during his tenure. He put a muzzle over Sharpton’s mouth. Contrary to popular opinion, blacks are not endangered by racism in this country; this country is endangered by these race hustlers, and that endangerment was brought home to roost, in New York, when two police officers were killed, the latest casualty of a little noted danger in this country, “whining while black.”
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:59:46 +0000

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