FPA 2014 GRADING: MINISTRY OF STATE PORTION The Ministry - TopicsExpress


FPA 2014 GRADING: MINISTRY OF STATE PORTION The Ministry charged with, among other things, the responsibility of coordinating activities and operations of the Office of the President of the Republic of Liberia and providing support to the President in carrying out the Executive functions of the State through close consultation with the Cabinet has often times taken its eye of the ball through ill-advised nominations and appointments that has come back to bite the President. 2014 HIGH: Not Much action during the course of the past 12 months, ending the year on a low. 2014 LOW: Failure to adequately vet nominees to positions came to light when President Sirleaf was forced to accept the request of Dr Elizabeth Davis-Russell to withdraw her nomination for the position of Minister of Education-Designate over issues of her purported U.S. citizenship. 2015 OUTLOOK: With less than three years to the end of Sirleaf’s presidency, this crucial Ministry could be in need of a spark which is unlikely to come- anytime soon. MY RESPONSE I dont understand how these analyses are/were made, particularly the scale used in assigning letter grades to peoples performances. As objective, detailed and comprehensive as these assessments/appraisals should be, one would wonder how the Presidents Chief of Staff/Minister of States performance will be limited not just to appointments as a function, but a singled out one. As you indicated in your analysis, the Ministry supports the day-to-day operations of the President in running the state of affairs of the country, how then could core activities like: event-hosting, county-tour/visitation, project delivery/dedication, media responses, policy statements, cabinet convergence, and so forth be left out of the grading. How could anyone seriously grade the Ministrys performance and ignore the support it provided in securing the worlds attention on the sub-region (MRU) which led to the responses of great bilateral and multi-lateral partners and today Ebola is being contained, faster here than our two neighbours, who were initially low on numbers? How could one rate the Ministry C when there are other success stories (since your barometer for success is the confirmation of a nominated official) like: Ministry of Public Works Team of: William Gyude Moore and Roland Giddings, amongst many of the nominated officials who got confirmed this 2014? Mr Analyst/Editor, I implore your reconsideration of this assessment and that the new one be much broader and holistic than your limited, selective and narrow approach. I am one of those who’s trying to gain interest in joining your readership, but not until much more care and objectivity can be applied to your investigative and analytical journalism. Please redo, you just didn’t get something to point out this time around… Albert K Jaja E Herodotus Payne Jr. Urias Skillo Don Goll George Kronnisanyon Werner Boakai Jaleiba Rodney D. Sieh Togar Joash T. Hodges Christopher Sellee Rixck Barsigiah Stephen Johnson-Page II A Gabriel Woods Curtis Dorley
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:32:39 +0000

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