FR KINYUAS REFLECTION ON EMOTIONAL DETACHMENT According to Wikipedia, emotional detachment, in psychology, can mean two different things. in the first meaning, it refers to an inability to connect with others emotionally, as well as a means of dealing with anxiety by preventing certain situations that trigger it; it is often described as emotional numbing or dissociation, depersonalization or in its chronic form depersonalization disorder. in the second sense, it is a decision to avoid engaging emotional connections, rather than an inability or difficulty in doing so, typically for personal, social, or other reasons. in this sense it can allow people to maintain boundaries, psychic integrity and avoid undesired impact by or upon others, related to emotional demands. I want to make it clear. True emotional and mental detachment is not a state of indifference, apathy or lack of energy. One can be loving, happy, helpful and energetic, and at the same time be detached. I mean detached from worries, fears, negative emotions and the negative emotions of other people. True detachment manifests as the ability to think clearly, stay balanced, and not getting agitated in response to what people think or say about you. It enables you to have more control over your moods and states of mind, and therefore, enjoy inner balance, harmony and peace. It also helps you handle more efficiently your daily affairs of life, as well difficult situations or emergencies. This is a state that comes from inner strength and inner peace, and not from apathy and indifference. It coexists with self-control, self-discipline and a focused mind. It brings inner calmness and tranquility that external circumstances cannot disturb or upset. You will surely agree that all the above-mentioned qualities and abilities are important for the attainment of success! Plans do not always turn out as expected. Sometimes, people dont keep their promises and let us down. There are times when unforeseen obstacles stand in our way. All this can dampen ones spirit and weaken the motivation, ambition and faith, but a state of emotional and mental detachment will prevent that from happening. A person possessing detachment will not be affected or daunted by obstacles or failures, and will try time and again to succeed. While others become immersed in self-pity or in thoughts about failure and missed opportunities, the person who possesses detachment will be working on a new venture or trying a different approach. A state of inner detachment helps to forget failure and focus on the future and on success. Lack of detachment is attachment, which means, among other things, clinging to old or outdated behavior and ways of thinking. Attachment manifests as fear to make changes, to progress or try doing things in a different way. Lack of attachment is detachment, which equals to inner freedom and the ability to make and accept changes, take advantage of opportunities and adopt new habits. Detachment gives you the ability to weigh the pros and cons of situations, circumstances and actions, in an impartial manner, and to make rational decisions, which are not based on moods. It helps to keep a clear and focused mind, and to recognize opportunities that others might not see. Now you might be wondering whether it is possible at all to acquire this ability. Yes, it is possible, but this requires training and inner work. You will find below a few suggestions to help you start. Dont underestimate these suggestions. Follow them, and your ability to manifest inner detachment, inner strength and inner peace would grow. 1. Pay more attention to your thoughts, feelings and state of mind. A heightened awareness of your thoughts and feelings shows you where you need to develop and progress. 2. Remind yourself every now and then how important it is to be calm, relaxed and in control of yourself, your mind and moods, especially when you feel agitated or unfocused. 3. When you desire to say or do something that is not really important, wait a few seconds before talking or acting. 4. When aware of anger arising in you, delay your reaction for a few seconds. 5. Learn not to take everything said or done too personally. 6. Here is another thing you can do. It is very simple, but in most cases, not so easy. Sometimes, try to switch off your TV in the middle of your favorite program. Though it is a very simple act, it requires some inner strength. If you can do so once in a while, you will be able to manifest more and more emotional and mental detachment, which will help you on your road to success and achieving your goals and ambitions. GOOD NIGHT, GOOD PEOPLE.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:02:04 +0000

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