FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! God wants us as humans to be free. God not - TopicsExpress


FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! God wants us as humans to be free. God not only wants us to be free from sin, but from the bondage that has come upon us by following religions and denominations that satan set up to mock the true gospel and to put on people more burdens. God led me to research not only all the world religions, but the various Christian denominations and cults that have been created to distort the true word of God. In my research of these religions, Roman Catholism sits as the so called queen of all the false religions. She is a combination of paganism mixed with Christianity. A blending of Mystery Babylon and Pharisee type religion. The popes all have sat on their so-called thrones and pretended to be God on earth. Every pope has held to the belief that when they speak they are infallible. This is totally bogus. Along side the popes the Roman church created a lot of false ways for people to connect with God. Their biggest hoax is the worship of the so-called Virgin Mary which in and of itself has become a cult. Many people have fallen to this false doctrine that Mary was an eternal virgin and that she was pefect, immaculately conceived and ascended to Heaven just like Yeshua (Jesus). But if you look in the bible you will see that is not true. God never made Mary perfect. If she was perfect then God would have told us. There is hardly any information on Mary in the bible and yet the Roman church as well as the Orthodox churches have built a whole religion based on her. These are just some of the false doctrines that make Gods heart ache as people fall down and worship a statue or picture of a dead sinful woman that can not help them any more then a statue of Buddah can help a Buddhist. Many people also wear rosaries, pray to saints (that are also dead), wear scapulars, worship relics etc. None of this is in the bible so why do we believe its going to help us? Mary could not save herself that is why Yeshua was born to save all humanity from our sins. Humans are all fallible, we are all subject to a sin nature. For centuries people have been duped into believing people over God. In the Protestant and other so called Christian denominatons, and religions you will find people following the false doctrines of people like Ellen G. White (Seventh Day Adventist), Joseph Smith (Mormons), Charles T. Russell (Jehovah Witnesses), John Calvin, John Wesley, Televangelists, Hebrew cults, and an etc of men and women who were following doctrines of demons because when you look at their doctrines in comparison to the 66 books of the bible they have false teachings. In fact the false doctrines in so called Christianity is more misleading then people who just come out and say they are not believers in Yeshua and God. Its very sad and it would take a life time to go in to all the doctrines that have been created in all the religions and Christain denominations/cults that exist. I have gone over many of them in this ministry. God really is adamant about telling people the truth and setting them free from the bondage of satans lies wrapped in so called white garments. Satan appears as a angel of light as illustrated in the bible to deceive the masses in to following himself by making doctrines that are false seem so true, but when held up to the bible are proved to be so false. Its sad the bondage we all have lived in because of believing lies. God wants to unravel the truth to us. We have to look at what we all believe at face value. Satan hits us where we live. Satan will go to our weakest areas in our belief system and attack us with a lie or multiple lies to get us off the narrow path to salvation thru Christ. It is the bible that helps us to see the truth rather it be a religion or a denomination or problems we encounter in our lives. Satan attacks me in my personal life where he knows I am weakest. God delivered me out of false spiritual beliefs at 17 and its been a process and still ongoing to get free from the bondage satan has tried to put me in. I believe that anyone can be deceived and attacked with lies. Its our mind that satan wants to get into because what we believe governs our actions and lives and how we see God or other people. God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son to die for us. So what is it that keeps us running to these false things or religions or denominations? The lure for each of us is different. In order to get free we need to seek God. Its not always easy, but its possible that God can help us see the truth in what we believe in every area of our lives if we let Him in. Some things are harder then others because where we have been hurt the most we tend to hold on the most to the lies we believe cause we think they are the truth. I am sure many of these people I listed and I can not list all of the denominations, religions or people that started them because there is just too many to list, but my point is I am sure they all were deceived by satan to be used to lead masses of people to hell including themselves by teaching things that are not biblical. Many people too embrace atheism and agnostism as well which both are false. God is real and He does exist. This battle in our minds can only be faught with Gods help alone to see reality and truth. Many people get offended if you tell them that their spiritual beliefs or religion or denomination is wrong based on the bible. They take it personally that you are insulting them. I use to think that too when I was a teen and I believed in New Age, white witchcraft, Greek Mythology, and etc of false beliefs. I argued with people to the point of tears. I was very passionate about what I believed and could tell anyone as shy as I am that they were wrong to tell me that I was believing lies, but guess what I was wrong. I was believing lies and it was not a matter of the ones who came and witnessed to me about Yeshua (Jesus) and the true gospel in the bible that were wrong or right it was that God was right and that He was just using these humble people to tell me who He really is and what Yeshua did for us all on the cross. I am glad God did not give up on stubborn, prideful, and resistant me and my willingness to believe the lies of satan over the God of the bible. We all have an idea of who we think God is and who we think Yeshua is. My desire in this ministry is to challenge the social norms of so called mainstream Christianity as well as the other religions/spiritual beliefs of this world , that have existed for centuries, and compare their beliefs to the 66 books of the bible. Its not a matter of me being right and they being wrong, its a matter of realizing as humans we can be wrong and that God is always right and His reason for warning us is not to hurt us or control us, but to tell us how much He really loves us. Who knows us better then our true Papa God. God told Israel Hear Oh Israel the Lord your God is One God- God exist as Father, Son and Holy Spirit as one, but 3 persons of what some call the trinity. God is self existing and He is NOT a created being. He is the Creator of all that exists in this universe including the universe itself. So why as humans are we so willing to believe anything, but the bible? We will believe we descended from monkeys, but not believe that we all came from Adam and Eve and Noah and his family. Its insane, we do not look like monkeys so its a far stretch to even believe it let alone say it. Why are we so willing to believe a person over God? Why do we believe what we believe? Lets challenge that in our own selves. When I was a kid I think what I resisted about God was that some parts of me believed that you had to go to church and be a certain way to be saved and as I said before that caused me to resist people who were sent by God to tell me the gospel. I was set in my ways and beliefs and did not want to challenge them and maybe think wow I could be wrong. Well I am glad like I said God worked with me and met me where I was at and helped me to get Him and it was amazing like that song Amazing Grace. It is something I cant put in to words when God shows you the truth about Himself and about the gospel Its liberating, its like not even human words to describe it. Satan does not want us to know God loves us and to understand the gospel and who Yeshua really is and what He did for us and why. Freedom comes when we realize God gave us free will to either accept Him or reject Him its a valid choice. We do not have to serve Him if we do not want to, but if we knew how much He really loved us then why would we not want to? The reason Eve and Adam ate the fruit began with a lie. Satan challenged their belief that God loved them and wanted their good. Satan made them think if God really loved us He would let us eat that fruit and that was the beginning of our slavery as humans to satan and his lies of deception. Satan is good at what he does and thats not giving him props thats just a fact. We have to be willing to lay down our proud and ask God for the truth, the truth is what the world lacks and is why we reject God and His salvation plan. We think God is trying to control us when He is just trying to love us. We think we have to go to Mary to get to Yeshua to get to God, totally bogus. God made a straight shot to Himself and that straight shot is Yeshua. Amen!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 04:17:04 +0000

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