FROM OUR STORY TELLER Carol Watts I want to dedicate this story - TopicsExpress


FROM OUR STORY TELLER Carol Watts I want to dedicate this story to Steve and the entire GQ team for all the great work they do on this game. Who would have thought that such incredible gaming could ever be? Thank you for all the help you give to us, it is for this reason I want to entertain you as much as you have me. Thank you for the encouraging words you have given to all! I am so blessed to have you as a part of my Family...thank you Lord! Ashley s Story Chapter One Ashley could not believe the ticket she held in her hand. Her whole life she had struggled working from one job to another. And she worked long and hard only to put a roof over her head and pay her household bills. Ashley had married young but she had found shortly afterwards how much it had been a huge mistake. CJ had swoon her off her feet. She, according to him, rocked his world. But within just months of getting married, his whole demeanor changed. He became controlling. One day the phone rang. She answered it only to find out that it was his mistress. She packed up her belongings and left while he was at work. She had tried before to leave but he would find her and talk her into coming back. Always making promises to change, but never doing so. This time she had secretly saved money to leave the state. She made sure he would never find her. She was even able to get an annulment so she would be free of him. She longed to find the right man to love and to be loved by, but now she was on her own again and was a bit concerned if finding that one special one. Sadly though the harder she tried to trust those she met, she would find them just as bad as CJ had been. She made the mistake a total of four times. She began to see her mistake and finally resigned that she would never find the love she desired so much. She wiped the tears from her eyes now and put the ticket in her purse. She would have to cash it in soon but felt she would need to find a good attorney first. Meanwhile she just received her disability check and needed to go up to the store to get dinner. Ashley had been in her late forties when she had become disabled. She had a number of decreases that she had to deal with every day, and although she had some bad days, she was very thankful that God gave her each new day. She hated not being able to take Lady SASHA with her to the store with like she would Furbie, but he was so small and loved to ride in the basket. Besides, he would get into things and chew them up. She thought it better to take him than to keep buying charger cords.When Ashley decided to move as far away from CJ she left to go back east. She chose to move to Florida. Although at one time her parents lived in Miami, she was living outside of Orlando. It wasnt the area she was crazy about, but it was affordable. She really loved it when she would visit her parents and go to South Beach. She loved walking along the beaches there. Watching the cruise ships come into port. She would have loved to go back there but her parents had died and she thought any place in the south would be better than staying anywhere near CJ. She tied Furbie into the basket and headed to the store, promising Lady Sasha treats when she returned. It looked as if it was going to rain, although the news said no rain. She always brought her golf umbrella with her just in case. When she reached the store she picked up a few treats for her pups. Moving towards the food department, she took out her list from the leg pocket of her pants. She needed to get her type of sugar so she rode down the aisle towards the one that held that item. She was so thankful to have a scooter to get around on. The one she rode had two baskets. One in the front and one in the back. It really helped on shopping days. She never understood why the store would put most of the items she needed on the top shelf, but they did. And it was even more difficult when the item was pushed back and she could not reach it, even with the help of her umbrella. May I help you get something? Asked the tall elderly man.She looked up to the man talking to her. Yes please. The one in the white and blue box, please. She answered him. He reached up and grabbed the box and handed it to her. Is there anything else I can help you with, my dear? He asked. Ashley looked up at him again. She saw the smile on his face. She felt an overwhelming calmness come over her. She never did well meeting new people, but this man... He just seemed so nice and her normal fears subsided. I dont want to impose. I am pretty sure I can get the rest. She said. Would you mind if I would to buy you a cup of coffee? We could go to that little shop at the entrance. I promise not to bite. He chuckled. Ashley had to smile back at him for that remark, but when she saw that he really wanted to have a bit of company she just could not resist. After all, he had helped her the least she could do is this one small act in return. Sure, but I cant stay too long. My little girl hates it when I leave her alone too long. Ashley and the elderly man began their walk to the shop. She was able to park the scooter behind the booth where they sat. Furbie Sat in the basket chewing on a bone she had given him. I am a bit hungry. Please join me. I really hate to eat alone, dont you, Ashley? He said as the waitress came to their table. Ashley was taken back that he knew her name. She did not recall ever telling him it, but he knew. Who was this man? She thought. She began to feel now uneasy. He could see it in here face and wanted to put her nervousness at ease. Once he had ordered their lunch and the waitress left, he grabbed her shaking hand and said, Ashley, I know I just made you a very nervous mouse, but I am not your enemy. In face, yes, I did know you before you met me. And no my dear, I am not a crazy old man, nor am I a stalker. Let me explain a few things before you try to run away. He said as the waitress brought them their drinks. A coffee and an iced tea, which she always drank. Her hand really began to shake hard but he refused to let go. Before I tell you my name, and explain anything as to why we are here together, I would love to give thanks for our meal, do you mind? He asked. She could only shake her head in response. The man bowed his head and began to pray, asking God to bless the food and to help Ashley with her nervousness. By the time he stopped she could feel herself calming down. She actually stopped shaking. When he was done, she looked over at him and said, Who are you? He patted her hand and said, I am not one to fear my dear. My name is Peter and I am here to help you. It is true. For a very long time you have asked things in your prayers and now is the time that you see those prayers answered. He smiled at her. Ashley was taken back. First the ticket, which she never would buy before yet did on Saturday, and now this. She could hardly breathe. How are you to help me? I mean, I am not sure what you mean. I know that over the years, Ashley that life has not always been kind. That along the way you have lost your trust in people, and with some of them they did not deserve your trust, but my dear, you need to learn again that there are some who can be trusted and part of what I am here to do for you is to show you how to trust even more, but to trust the one you need to trust the most. The Father. Once you can truly do that, then as you say, it s a piece of cake. But dont bank on that clubs, I am not sure that is the correct one to use. I just mean that the more you trust the Father the easier it becomes to trust Him, even in difficult times. Now, the way I want to show you your lesson in trust is that come tomorrow a man will be calling you. His name is Jason Sims. He will be your attorney. He will help you get that ticket cashed. He will also introduce you to a man named John Thomas. He will be your financial advisor eventually. Both men are whoevers and will be working only for you. Peter paused here while the waitress placed their orders in front of them. Ashley looked at Peter and asked him, Are you a preacher? I was in my younger days, but now I just help people. Was his reply. Do you believe in God, Ashley? He asked her. Yes, but I left Him a long time ago. I am trying hard to reconnect again though. I really made a mess of my life, but I know now that even when I ran away, He was always with me. She said. Well then you know first hand that He will never leave nor forsake you. Well, I wont preach to you, but know that He knows your heart and because He does, I am here to help you. Now, once Jason calls you and all is done at getting the ticket cashed I want you to meet me here at noontime every day for one week. I will explain the next step to you as we have lunch tomorrow. For now, my dear I want you to pray, read His Word, and put you trust in Him. Peter said. They both sat eating their lunch and when they were done, Peter paid the bill and wished Ashley a good afternoon. She went to finish her shopping. Her mind was racing. What was happening? Was she dreaming or was this all real? She felt as if her life was about to change in a huge way, yet she could not tell a living soul. Who would believe her? When she finally returned home, she put her food items away and sat down with her pups. Her head hurt from all it was going through. She said a little prayer that she hoped God would calm her mind down. Before long she had fallen asleep where she sat on the sofa. She unbelievably slept the night through. In the morning Ashley woke refreshed. More so than she did in years. And although she was curious in what Peter had planned to tell her she felt she was just leaving it it GOD so there was no worries. She showered and dressed, did the morning routine with her breakfast, medications and set things up for Furbie so she could take him with her again. She left and met Peter just outside the supermarket. I thought we could have some Chinese today. Lets go over there and picnic. He said pointing to some tables under a huge oak tree. They sat, said grace, and Peter began to explain what his part and plan to her. Ashley, yesterday I told you that I wanted you to put your trust in God, well now I need you to trust me too. When we are finished here, I want you to go over to your bank and withdraw this amount and give it to me. Now before you say no, I want you to know that you will be getting it back with interest. Can you please trust me to do this for you? Ashley looked at Peter and nervously thought if this was some kind of scam? She looked at the paper he had given her with the amount written on it. Three hundred dollars was all it said. She silently prayed and asked God to help her. This is not easy for me, but okay, I will go and get this amount and give it to you. She said. They sat and talked while they ate. It was early afternoon and getting warm. Ashley told Peter she would be back as soon as she could be. She put Furbie back into the basket and set off to the bank. Peter said he would wait for her there. Ashley crossed the highway and entered the bank. Her favorite teller was back from maternity leave. Hi Becki, how is the baby? Do you have a picture of her? Ashley asked. Becky held a 5x7 up so Ashley could see her new baby. Oh she is beautiful! Ashley said placing her check in the draw. She had decided to go shopping for new clothes after she gave Peter the money. Becky handed the envelope to her and they parted. On her way back to see Peter she made a quick stop for Furbie to release himself. Once she gave him the money he instructed her to call the bank each morning to find out its balance. Ashley, each day for the next seven days I want to meet you here and every day I will give you the amount to withdraw, but remember, trust in GOD and all will go well. Ashley promised Peter that she would do as he instructed. And every day during the week they would meet, have lunch and talk, and he would slip her a piece of paper with the amount she was to withdraw. She really loved the time she spent with Peter. He would teach her so many things. About God, and about life in general. All she wanted to do was to drink in his every word. For the first time, Ashley felt more confident and at peace than she ever had on all her life.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:14:15 +0000

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