FROM THE IN COMING GOVERNOR OF ABIA STATE PRESS RELEASE NEW YEAR MESSAGE Dear beloved Abians, I am so grateful to God to see you all alive in 2015. I return all the praises and honor to God Almighty for bringing us alive and healthy into this beautiful New Year. Let me start by saying thank you to all of you. Let me remind you that in 2014, we started a journey which destination is yet to be determined. I am still humbled, seeing people from every nook and cranny of Abia State Ready! Willing! and wholly offering their entire support to ensure we ascend the Abia Governorship seat. In my heart, I know that it was not about me, but an honest conviction by a people that our State can be bettered if I am at the helm of affairs of our dear State. I am overwhelmed by such confidence reposed on me. In the face of challenges, you have this belief that there can be peace; In the face of despair, you had hope. In the face of politics that shut you out, which made you cry, but you still believed that we are one people that can surmount all impossibilities and build a perfect State that deserves accelerated development. What can I say other than to echo once again thank you all. Let me lead you into what motivates me. I am motivated by a single but simple powerful idea. An idea which helped me build Masters Energy Group to the level it is today. I believe that the same idea will help build Abia State of our dreams. In 2015 Abians deserve to see an administration that will do everything possible to accelerate development, create jobs, equip healthcare centers and build new hospitals, build qualitative schools and make it affordable, construct all the roads, create opportunities that will attract Direct Foreign Investment and improve security all over the State. We envisage a State that will address the spreading impact of global financial crisis, the over dependence on federal allocation and diversification of other internally generated revenues. We envisage a state that will attract investment both nationally and internationally; we expect a State that will address the prevalent hardship and provide a conducive economic environment for small and medium sized entrepreneurs to thrive thereby reducing poverty to the barest minimum. Such economic policy response will reduce the migration of Abians to other states in Nigeria and outside Nigeia.The present global and national financial crisis requires a perfectly tailored response. Our collective rescue plan should encourage investors. I encourage every Abian to insure we invest in Abia State, no matter how small the investment. It will further address this hardship that goes far beyond individual capacities. During my consultation with stakeholders in the State, I came across Abia’s poorest neighborhoods. I was made to shed tears when i saw the level of neglect and poverty ravaging the people. I therefore resolved that I shall ensure a widespread industrialization of these communities ravaged by poverty as soon as I assume the mantle of leadership of the State. Be rest assured fellow Abians that our collective hope is not lost as we will continue in the struggle to redress manifest injustice and ensure that Abians will eventually rejoice. I do not underestimate the enormity of the task in Abia State as I have before now taken some very clear steps that will ensure we will run with speed in the development of the State. Therefore Abians are advised to be careful of the choices they make. I know that some of the choices will be difficult: but Godswill will prevail. In the face of tyranny, a group of patriots can bring an empire to its knees. At all times a new generation has always risen up to do what is needed to be done. If you love Abia, this is the time for us to be forward looking, believing and working towards achieving the best for our dear State. The present economic outlook threatens our future, road constructions, infrastructural development, building of schools where our children will learn,and employment opportunities. I understand and appreciate the challenges. We have talked about them for long. I believe that this is the time to walk our talk as a people. It is time to turn the page! One of the things I have decided for Abians, is that I will ensure that every child of school age goes to school. My Foundation (Uche Ogah Foundation) shall ensure an Annual University Scholarship for 3 students across the 17 local governments of Abia State. It is an Annual Event. I will ensure that our youths are meaningfully empowered according to their passion/talent/callings. What I shall do soonest, is to create Empowerment Trust Fund where large entrepreneurs shall be created annually, through the Trust Fund which shall be well funded. I will not fail to acknowledge the efforts of the ruling party in ensuring that citizens enjoy good governance while creating lasting legacies irrespective of distractions and criticisms from opposition parties. The fact is that PDP is the only party that has the interest of all at heart without any tribal or religious affiliations. I am a party person, and I believe in the ideals of PDP and will advise that we should vote for PDP. I also urge all my supporters, lovers and admirers to remain in PDP. It is in PDP we will actualize our dreams. Therefore we shall ensure that PDP as a party wins in Abia State, Gods own State in 2015 general election. I believe in you, I believe in Abia State, I believe in our democracy, I believe in God’s divine mandate and God will perfect it all in His own time. Believe me, Abians will soon rejoice! Long live my beautiful people! Long live Abia State! Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria! Signed: Dr. Uchechukwu Sampson Ogah (OON), FCA
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 07:33:44 +0000

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