FROM WASHINGTON TO FERGUSON The Oxford English Dictionary - TopicsExpress


FROM WASHINGTON TO FERGUSON The Oxford English Dictionary defines “punk” as a worthless person, a hoodlum, a criminal. Michael Brown encountered Darren Wilson for one reason and one reason alone. He had just robbed a convenience store. The video is among the clearer of security videos. There is no mistaking the fact that Michael Brown was a petty thief. There is no mistaking the fact that upon leaving the store he shoved the convenience store clerk twice, once into a rack of potato chips. The clerk was, at best, half his size. Michael Brown is a big guy. That’s an important fact when you read the grand jury evidence showing that Michael Brown punched Wilson in the face twice and was wrestling his gun away from him. Michael Brown is a lot bigger than Darren Wilson. The convenience store clerk was in immigrant trying to do things the right way in this country, trying to earn a living, to pull himself up, to make things better for himself and his family. Michael Brown was born in this country. Michael Brown is a punk. It says everything that has to be said that so-called civil rights leaders around the country lionized this punk, while demonizing the hard-working police officer doing his job investigating a crime and defending himself from this punk. It says everything that has to be said that so many in this country demanded that the police officer fighting crime should be prosecuted while the punk who robbed a convenience store, pushed an immigrant half his size into a potato chip rack and punched a police officer twice, trying to steal his gun, should be declared a martyr. That the refusal (refusal, not failure) to indict an innocent police officer for doing his job was the catalyst for nationwide looting, vandalism and destruction should not be surprising. Punks relate to punks. Much of the damage could have been avoided, however, if the President of the United States had taken a forceful position, recognizing the truth - that Michael Brown had robbed a convenience store, that the convenience store operator provided a description of him that, naturally, fit him perfectly when Darren Wilson saw him in the street, that the police officer was within his rights – indeed was obligated – to stop and question Michael Brown, that Michael Brown, as any citizen or non-citizen in this country is obligated to do – should have cooperated, that once Michael Brown chose violence in confronting the police officer, he bore the consequences of his behavior, and while we mourn the death of every living thing, the blame is squarely on Michael Brown’s shoulders for his own death. That would be leadership. That would be the kind of leadership that would have preserved millions of dollars in property, that would have avoided the United States being held to international scorn while looking like a third world country, that would have avoided an increased distrust for authority and a further divide between African American communities and police forces, a divide, by the way, that is nowhere near as blatant in any other ethnic communities in this country. We had riots like these in the 1960s. I remember the riots in Detroit. I particularly remember the riots on Columbus Avenue in North Philadelphia where African Americans destroyed their own homes, their own businesses, and guaranteed that no one would invest in their communities for decades to come. There are those who now say we have not progressed since then. They are wrong. We had progressed. We did not have riots like these for many decades since the sixties. Until the election of Barack Obama. Obama and Holder have fanned the flames of racism like no other tandem in American history. Obama is by far the most racist President we have ever had since Andrew Jackson. Holder is by far the most racist Attorney General we have ever had since Jackson’s Attorney General Roger B. Taney. For the last six years, they have made statement after statement, taken action after action, dividing this nation, feeding the misguided notion of victimization, placing dead weights on minorities by convincing them that they cannot better themselves and must remain dependent on a government that, frankly, is not financially able to carry them. They have ignored crimes committed by Black people such as the daily murders in Chicago, the voter fraud and intimidation by the New Black Panther Party, while commenting freely on every matter that punks like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson choose to turn into racial events. That is not an accident. Just like the punks burning cars and looting stores related to the punk Michael Brown, Brown attracted punks at even the highest level. Make no mistake. Barack Obama is, by definition, a punk. He is worse than useless. He kept this nation mired in financial crisis far longer than necessary. He damaged our economy to a point that will take a decade or more to repair. He destroyed our foreign policy and endangered the world with his racist philosophy that White Europe was bad and anti-Europe terrorists just needed some brotherly love. He has opened our borders to illegal aliens to change the “diversity” in America without regard to the ability of the nation to absorb these illegal aliens – illegal aliens who will take jobs away from the poorest among us – who just happen to be for the most part the African Americans Obama claims to protect. He has expressed total disregard for laws, order, process or anything else that serves as a foundation of a civilized nation. While crowds were beginning to grow into a frenzy the night the Grand Jury decision was released, Obama never bothered to mention that Michael Brown was a criminal. He never bothered to mention that if Michael Brown had behaved like any decent law abiding citizen he’d be alive today. No, that doesn’t fit the narrative of a punk. It doesn’t fit the narrative of Barack Obama. Instead, he did what he does every day in the Middle East when discussing the Arab attacks on innocent civilians and the retaliation to stop the murder. He declares them to be morally equivalent. Despite overwhelming evidence that Michael Brown was a criminal, despite overwhelming evidence that Michael Brown died because he attacked a policeman, Obama merely stated that some believe one thing and some believe another. He could have dramatically reduced the violence by exercising leadership. As the first Black President, he had a bully pulpit to tell the demonstrators first, that their demonstrations were ill-founded, that criminals should not be deemed martyrs, that violence is unacceptable and those who commit violence in the name of Michael Brown should face the consequences. Instead of acting like a punk and giving a speech that might as well have been, “I feel your pain,” he should have said, “pull up your pants, get off the street, and start doing something with your neighbors to clean up your neighborhoods so that there are fewer punks and more productive citizens in them. He should have told them that if they want people to value their lives, they need to value those lives themselves. But Obama didn’t say that. He wouldn’t say that. You don’t get leadership from a punk.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:42:13 +0000

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