FULL STORY; Boy: Wanna hear a magic trick? Girl: Sure babe. - TopicsExpress


FULL STORY; Boy: Wanna hear a magic trick? Girl: Sure babe. Boy: POOF, youre single! Girl: …wanna hear mine? Boy: Sure. What is it? Girl: POOF, Im pregnant! Boy: Ive got a better one. Girl: What? Boy: POOF! Youre on your own. Girl: So… thats it? Youre leaving me with a baby? Boy: Yeah. Good luck! *Boy leaves* The girl kept the baby, even though she was only 16 years old. 3 years later, she was playing with her kid in the park. He was only 2 years old. She was a single mom. She loved him more than anything in the whole world. She smiled at her baby, & noticed that a boy was staring at her. He was cute! suddenly, she heard a low voice say, wanna hear a magic trick? Remembering the day her boyfriend left her when she told him she was pregnant, she turned to him sharply. It was him. Her ex. Girl: What are you doing here?! Ex: I want to show you a magic trick! Im a magician now. Girl: I want you to leave, now. Ex: No. I want to show you a really cool magic trick. The boy ran to the girls baby, biologically HIS baby, and screamed; POOF! He is MY baby now! The girl ran as fast as she could, crying and screaming, trying to get her baby back. She saw another boy running really fast after her ex. The boy punched the girls ex, took the baby, gave it to the girl, and told the ex to leave now. He punched him a last time, and told him, Youre sick. Go home. The ex ran to his house, scared. The boy ran to the girl, and said, are you okay? Girl: Yes…yes.. thank you so much for saving my baby… she was speechless. Boy: Anytime. I couldnt just sit still and watch the guy steal your baby! Girl: you were watching me.. when I was playing with my baby. *Boy kisses girl gently* Boy: Youre beautiful. I couldnt get my eyes off of you. Girl: *Smiles* The boy who saved the girls baby raised the baby with the girl and got married on a beach. The baby was like the symbol to their relationship. Thats how they met. They loved each other very much. The ex never bothered the girl again. He moved far away, so the cops couldnt find him, because if they did, hed be in big trouble now.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 03:09:10 +0000

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