FUNDAMENTALS QUESTIONS ON 9/11 TWELVE YEARS AFTER 9/11 has somewhat becomes a sort of code name for the war against terrorism and the dreading effects of what terrorism is capable of doing. The serene business life of New York was shaken to its very roots sending shocking waves to the American society and the global community was in panic on the faith full day September, 11th, 2001. Much have been said on September 11th that devoting time to write on it seems a complete waste of time, and devoting time reading seems not much different either. However, the writer will like to indulge you a little to look at the issues at stake once more, with an assumedly different perspective. There are no doubt s few may not be familiar with what September 11th stand for in our human history, outside the fact that it is the emergency line in the United States and some other countries adopted it, some countries have a different emergency numbers, calls to such numbers is supposed to be toll free, some GSM phones enable calls to the emergency number even without a SIM card inserted. HISTORICAL FACT Unlike some issues that some people believe completely as real issues that happens in our human history, that some people question the veracity of such claims, 9/11 is a historical fact that cannot be denied in our modern world by anybody. It is not a myth that was foisted on us and were told to believe by faith and not asked logical questions. On 11th of September, 2001 two plains rammed into the twin tower in New York one hundred and ten story building, dubbed the World Trade Center (WTC) in a broad day light. The planes did not rammed into the building at the same time, there was about 15 minutes difference, the buildings were constructed at the same period, perhaps that explains why they are dubbed twin towers, and that also bear credence to the fact that, when the first plain hit the first building, the other building in the spirit camaraderie waited for the second building to be hit before the both collapse as rubbles in annoyance at varying time. That perhaps could be used in the future as proved of how far the spirit of friendship can go. Why the buildings where build in the first place in New York and not Washington, Arkansas or Missouri or any other state for that matter, and why it was said that Nostradamus foresaw it ahead is another theory on its own, that may be little different from the one we may be looking at next. You will also recalled that apart from the World Trade Centre that was hit, by the hijackers as allege, the Pentagon, or the US defense headquarters was equally attack by another passenger plane that was hijacked, rammed into Pentagon, bowing a hole, but leaving no single trace, all particles and human bodies that were supposed to be inside the plane simply disappeared or burnt into ashes. A fourth one aiming for the White House was however intercepted, George Bush was not in the White House on the faithful day. PANIC AND PANDEMONIUM There was visible panic and pandemonium on that faithful day, people were running, but not too sure of where to run to, the white house was not left out of the frenzy, chilly unease ran through the spine of the Americans and the global community. Was this the beginning of Armageddon, the Biblical account of the battle that will signal the end of the World? The battle between good and evil. If America with all its acclaim military might and intelligence sophistry can be so hit, perhaps then the hand of God must be in it, some religious pundits thought. THEORIES AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES. The American Public, government and President George W Bush Jnr. as far as what was on camera are concerned were visibly shocked. It came as a complete surprise. There was no reason to think otherwise at the time. The President was visibly frighten like every other American, but was also enraged and charged with a new mandate to crush all terrorist and their sponsors wherever they may be. Government Position: The official position of the government is that, a passenger plane or some passenger planes on their routine schedule transport business were boarded by a group of passengers on board with other passengers. Unknown to the pilot and the owners of the planes that they were terrorists on a suicide mission. Midair the forcefully gain entrance to the cockpit and took control of the planes, as they themselves were identified as trained pilots in the US, two of the planes hit the World Trade Centre, at different time, one hit the Pentagon, the one that was aiming for the White House was deterred from accomplishing its mission. Though, the American defense system could have intercepted the hijacked planes before reaching their targets, however, few months to that precise date, Defense Secretary Donald Rumfeld change the emergency rule for clearance for anti aircraft attack, so the military could not do their job because the clearance never came on time, but it was just on time to intercept the one heading for the Whitehouse. It is also worthy of note, that the previous year before the incident, the military conducted a simulation exercise, in case there was a hijacked that led to an attack on the WTC and the Pentagon. What a coincidence? Religious Theory: These they declare are a clear warning from God to America to repent from evil and turn to the God who bless them and prospered them. Failure of which will invite a greater calamity, like the one that later happened, Hurricane Katrina. These theory however fail to point out if angels were the one flying the planes. Simple Minded Theory: The simple minded person relies on an authority to validate what to believe, without much or any rational independent thought, except as advocated, presented or defended by the symbol of authority. These groups accept completely the position of government. Al Qaeda Theory or Position: Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, that Americans claimed to have successfully eliminated and buried on the high sea, did not directly claimed responsibility for the attacked, but however praised those who did it. So the real perpetrators are assumedly unknown to Al Qaeda. So the question is who bombed the United States of America on September 11, 2001. Who dared the World’s most powerful nation? America Bomb Themselves: This position as controversial as it sounds is the one that is been canvassed by many people around the world, among who are Americans. That Americans under George Bush Jnr bomb their own land so as to have a good reason to attack Saddam Hussein and to dislodge the Islamic fundamentalist in Afghanistan. For the purpose of this discourse we will be discussing the last point to look at some salient issues, and hopefully the reader will be able to make up his/her mind as to what makes sense. Sam Harris a renowned Neurologist and author, was emphatic in his defense of the position of the government. He submitted that to consider the possibility of the fifth point in this write up that we are trying to explore will mean. Paraphrase “that a group of Americans including the Presidents and many other sat down and took a decision to organized the demolition of a prominent historical building in the US, in the process kill over 3000 of its citizens, destroy or cause damage to the defense headquarters and such other damages, it’s unreasonable, its unthinkable, it’s not possible”. Anyone who is privilege to watch live or on tape any successful demolition exercise of any high rise building and compare it with the way the World Trade Centre collapse will certainly get thinking. 2013 September 11, will mark the twelve year anniversary of the incident, yet it is still unclear what really transpired on that day. Each conspiracy theory holding tights to its own version of what happened like a form of dogma you find in religion. “It is a non-controversial fact that the official explanation of the collapse of the WTC building is false”1 Kevin Ryan, who was a Manager at the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) in the US, lost his job occasion by his report in 2005 on what might have transpired in the World Trade Centre leading to the collapse of the twin towers. The findings in that report disprove the government pan cake theory of the collapse of the WTC. The UL were able to disprove the pan cake theory by proving that the floors did not collapse, steel did not soften which is the crux of the pan cake theory. Another theory that was propose to replace the fail pan cake theory was the Inward Bowing Theory, according to this theory the heat weaken the floors which started curving downward, so when that continues, they weight coming down was no longer been able to be contained downwards leading to the collapse. Ryan concluded that after exhaustive review of the propose theory of the government explanation on the collapse of the WTC, he concluded that “they manipulated the test parameters”. Paolo Marini, a metallurgy expert of the Italian Centre for Materials Development, analyzes the way the WTC collapse. The speed was something that he found interesting. “If you drop a weight from four hundred meters which is about the height of the WTC, supposing there is no any air resistance, it would take approximately nine seconds to reach the ground, yet it takes about 10 seconds for the South tower of the WTC to collapse. Considering that the impact was far above and the lower part was not directly affected, the WTC should not have collapse at such an incredible speed as if there was no resistance at all.” Marini submitted. Dario Mario a Nobel Laureate, analyzing the WTC and others compared the free fall of the two twin towers with that of Building 7, which is part of the Housing of the WTC, which was only affected by rubbles from the collapsing twin towers. No impact, little fire was recorded in the building. The Building was a 47 Storey, never hit, but fall down in the same pattern with the twin towers seven hours after the last tower had collapse. One interesting aspect of the 911 issue is that till date, nobody has been found guilty of negligence of duty that could have help in avoiding the incident, nobody not at all. In a country where honour, is considered of high esteem, nobody, nobody resigned his/her as a result of the seeming embarrassment. Rather some people were promoted, even when it is on record the Defense Secretary at the time Donald Rumsfeld change some defense emergency rule, that would have enable emergency response to stopped the so-called hijacked plane from reaching their destinations, a day after 911 he reverted it to status quo, and nobody sees anything wrong with that. Moni Ovadia, an Italian Actor, observed that whereas the Lockerbie bombing took two years to bring indictment, the FBI after three days of investigation after the WTC collapse, said “they have the names of the hijackers of the plane without providing any evidence that they were actually on the plane”. Giulietto Chiesa, Journalist, Member of the European Parliament. Ovadia research into the names that was tendered of the 19 hijackers that were accused of the boarding the four planes and redirected them for the suicide missions, about six of such men, have been found to be alive and doing their work, some as Pilot with the Saudi Government, one was in his home country Morocco, yet the US government never owned up, to have made a mistake and to delist their names from the initial list, so he concluded right on logic and reason that others are also set up, and false. Several researches have been conducted on the 911, several books have been written, but the government has maintained its initial position. Gradually the issue is been forgotten and confined into the dustbin of history. Many people reading this article, that is those that are patient to have followed to this point might not bother much about it, since it does not directly affects them personally. But it actually does, it should be of concern to each and every person, to understand the issues that shaped our World, a search and pursuit of vanity. Humans can go to certain extra miles to achieve some objectives that are unreasonable, comparing the sacrifices that would be paid. The time has come for all individuals who have been dissatisfied with the way things are happening to begin to question the system they have been used to. It is time we asked questions that have been begging to be asked. Religions and religious believes, it is time we begin to asked questions, it is time, there is no more time for sleeping and slumbering, there is too much happening, the injustice and manipulations are too much. Wake up. © 2013 Jacob Longpring OCFR Reference: 1 Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, under Ronald Reagan
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 07:23:36 +0000

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