FYI: something on my mind. PAPA - Poplarville Academy of - TopicsExpress


FYI: something on my mind. PAPA - Poplarville Academy of Performing Arts offers a variety of events. Some may appeal to one person and others may appeal to another~ All are a form of Art & Entertainment and an expression of creative gifts. I am not a huge fan of anything scary, evil, ghosts, witches nor even zombies.... I prefer sunflowers and plaid bows or raffia!...It takes all kinds of people to makeup this world. If I can help inspire or add guidance to these creative minds...and bring professionalism, real life experience, on your toes thinking and integrity into whatever they might be doing. Then I have done something that I believe to be important... I worked on publicity for the Zombie Prom, as I have done the past few years for most of the PAPA events ....I dont love them too much, but Zombies are the IN thing!!! The production crew and producers of this...WOW, super creative, super fun! What I experienced is what I consider a first class and very professionally done event~ The mood was friendly and fun, some in super costumes, others in makeup, creative food displays...the lighting was dim with cool blues and reds, great music, seriously thought out decorations..a sort of fantasy world that takes you away from reality for a bit. I am glad I did!...I can tell you having worked for over 10 years as a professional Equity Stage Manager to that of a Talent Coordinator for Peoples Choice Awards, the productions and events at The Dixon are first class..PAPA without a doubt inspires and lets creative minds soar!...just as those who play football first string or compete in debate winning awards, honor roll or winning cheer or dance competions. PAPA is First String in Arts.... all are gifted expressions of different kinds of people... To have an outlet for creative minds to come together and those mentors to help teach and guide producing final products of this caliber and locally is such a rarity... Put aside your likes and dislikes...Think of Art....think of what it is like for a moment or experience to inspire you, staying with you a lifetime. Peek in!!!.. on what is going on or an event in progress, help with the sets, costumes, sound.. or other areas to help get a production on its feet. The heartbeat of Papa has so much to offer for all will have many laughs.. be a part of this Fun Family!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 05:04:40 +0000

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