Facebook 10.8.13 Just when you thank our government couldn’t - TopicsExpress


Facebook 10.8.13 Just when you thank our government couldn’t get any worse, another report comes in of what life would be like with the president having dictatorial powers: Families who are normally flown to accept the bodies of their members killed in action overseas are not being flown to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland at the expense of the government, and foreign tourists in Yellowstone National Park are not allowed to get off the bus to go to the bathroom, under the armed guard of park police as they are ordered to leave the park. The National Mall, that was closed to WW II Veterans who came to visit their memorial, was opened for a rally for Immigration Reform. In his press conference today, The President denounced the Tea Party, accused them of “extortion” and of “demanding a ransom”, and claimed that they were a few “irresponsible members of congress.” Only a few remaining threads of the Constitution remain between us and a tyrannical form of government. The ones who are accused of all of this misconduct are actually the ones who form the thin barrier. In one of the most obvious lies of the day, Mr. Obama stated, “Raising our debt ceiling does not increase our debt.” Frankly, I am beyond being patient in all of this. As a Tea Party member, I protest being insulted by the president for exercising the free speech and political freedom that is guaranteed by The Constitution. As a veteran, I have just as much a right to visit The National Mall, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and any other open and public park today as I ever had. Furthermore, I object to the government withholding the checks for the veterans, along with any other benefits they are due just because the president does not want to acknowledged the separation of powers in our form of government, and the constitutional duty of the House of Representatives to oversee the purse strings of the Federal Treasury. As a result of these actions, I will donate funds, and attempt to recruit fellow Americans to The Tea Party and our activities and our candidates, like Senator Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul. We need dozens more in Congress just like them, and in 2014, we will send them help. Keep it up, Mr. President. The more you poke the American people in the eye with your demagoguery, the greater the resistance to your leadership and campaign to destroy the America we know and love. GOD SAVE AMERICA. Billy Falling, pastor, The Internet Church (not sanctioned by the IRS).
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 23:39:51 +0000

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