Facebook Jones. Jones =s addiction. Facebook can be a lot of - TopicsExpress


Facebook Jones. Jones =s addiction. Facebook can be a lot of fun. But then any jones/addiction can be fun. I have an ETOH jones which Im trying to eliminate or at least reduce to a manageable level. Which is difficult because ETOH usage is both fun and healthy. Moderate use of ETOH has been proven to extend life because it raises your HDL levels. I just have a problem with the moderate part. Ive only been re-using Facebook for about 6 days which means I can probably kick this jones posthaste. Heres what Ill do: on Friday and Monday mornings Ill checkout our page and see what my friends are posting. Then Ill check a few likes and make a few comments. I may even compose an entry. One hours the limit on both days. Thats what Im gonna do. I probably wont even have to go to rehab.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 01:58:29 +0000

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