Facebook isnt real life...what a profound statement. How many - TopicsExpress


Facebook isnt real life...what a profound statement. How many people get on fb at least once a day to see what your family and friends are up to, is there anyone in need of prayer, or to be honest, just to be nosey? How many believe that it is very real? It was designed to be a social media intended to keep people in touch with each other but is definitely not used solely for that purpose. How many times is it used to hurt others, to get in someones craw with the sarcastic e-cards or to just cause plain drama? Im ashamed to say Im as guilty as the next of doing just that at one time or another. It is one of the main reasons relationships fail, families become estranged, bullying occurs, feelings are hurt, and friendships are lost. How many times have you made the statement were friends on fb but I seen them at Walmart and they didnt even speak so that tells me what they think of me or they unfriended me on fb so guess that means we arent friends, it shows their true colors or Omg did you see what so and so put on fb? Facebook during college football season alone has cost people lifelong friendships. In just a few minutes it will be being blown up by Miami and FSU fans bantering back and forth with Gator fans putting their 2 cents in.. So my question is, is it real life? Most definitely! People, what you say on Facebook has the power to destroy someone or build a person up, believe that! You may not think its real life, but if you dont feel that way, ask yourself this, why do I spend more than 75% of my free time on it or why am I constantly scrolling thru it or why does it bother me if someone posts something that I dont like? If you can be honest with yourself, you will agree that it is very real and can most definitely affect lives.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:03:37 +0000

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