Failure….thats what is on my mind today. On Saturday, if any of - TopicsExpress


Failure….thats what is on my mind today. On Saturday, if any of you were here, we had a day that unraveled like no other. I dont know if I can apologize enough for the experience many of you had at Letty Maes on Saturday. I accept full responsibility. I failed. I have thought about it all weekend long and am still haunted by it today. No one ever sets out to fail. It just happens. And we all fail from time to time in our lives. At least I know I am very guilty. I received encouragement from a couple of girls on my staff, of which I have the most incredible staff any business owner could ask for. One of them told me, Do not let one bad day define you. And it made me think….Almost 3 years of serving customers and this is the first REALLY bad day we have had at Letty Maes. Not that we dont fall short on some days…I know we do. But we are all human, and we all have bad days now and then. Today I am thankful that I serve a God who is merciful. His mercies are new every morning. As people, we are not always as merciful as Christ. Not even close…myself included. I hope that instead of criticizing, we can all stop and remember that we are all human. We all fail. We need to have mercy with one another, and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and begin again. I am so thankful for Christ….for His mercy in my life. He is the one I serve, BEFORE I serve all of you. I just want to say how sorry I am and I know it was a disappointing day for many of you. I have learned from it….and today is new day.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 16:15:32 +0000

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