Faith, Gotta Have It: Missing Person “Enoch walked with God; - TopicsExpress


Faith, Gotta Have It: Missing Person “Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” Genesis 5:24 Genesis 5:18-24; Hebrews 11:5; Jude 14-15 Yesterday we learned that faith is necessary to please God in our worship. Abel worshiped in faith by bringing the proper sacrifice, and it gained him his plaque in God’s Hall of Faith. Today we learn that faith is necessary to please God in our walk….our life. Enoch must have been a man of remarkable faith when you realize the honor that God bestowed on him. Like the little boy said, “Enoch was walking with God, and one day they walked so far that God said, ‘Enoch, we’re closer to My house than to yours. Why don’t you come home with Me?’” Now that’s the kind of story you hear and say, “That’s cute, but let’s go on.” No, let’s stop. Let me tell you something about living by faith. Living by faith means you submit to the will of God over the long haul. For three hundred years after the birth of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God. What does it mean to walk with God? It means that you live in light of the future so that you please god rather than living to please yourself. And that may mean pleasing god even when it’s at a distinct disadvantage to your self-interests. Walking by faith means giving up what you want because you would rather have what god wants. See, to many of us don’t want to walk with god. We want to walk with ourselves or our friends…that is, live to please ourselves and others. But that doesn’t require faith. Living by faith means I submit my will to god’s will. I submit myself to God. What gave Enoch the strength to go three hundred years? That’s a long time to be walking with God. I think the answer is in Jude. Enoch looked ahead as a prophet and saw the coming of the Lord. And because he saw that, he proclaimed the coming of the Lord and walked with God. So because Enoch saw the future, he could live in the present by faith. You have God’s Word on the future lying open before you right now. Are you living today in light of it? Faith says, “This is what god says about tomorrow, so I’d better adjust today.” Posted by David Coleman of The DC Ministry “Sharing The Gospel.”
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:43:11 +0000

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