Famous Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh is turning - TopicsExpress


Famous Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh is turning his attention to the Obama administration, specifically its WAR crimes, its ABUSE of CIVIL liberties, and its MANIPULATION of the PRESS. Hersh claimed there have been cases of people inside an intelligence service who have talked to reporters and have been told, “We know you’ve talked to this guy such and such a day; cut it out.” As an example of how the administration manipulates the media and the public, Hersh cited the sacking of United States Army General Stanley McChrystal for making derogatory comments about President Obama and Vice President Biden, while Director of National Intelligence James Clapper remains in his job after lying to Congress. McChrystal was caught by journalist Michael Hastings in a Rolling Stone article “making fun of the President, making fun of [Joe] Biden, and for that, of course, McChrystal got fired,” Hersh noted. “Here comes Clapper,” he went on. “He looks [Senator Ron] Wyden (D-OR) in the eye at the famous hearing you all know about and lies through his teeth, and nothing happens to him.” He was talking about James Clapper, director of national intelligence, testifying at an open congressional hearing and being asked whether the NSA collects certain kinds of data. “No sir,” Clapper said. “Not wittingly.” Clapper’s answer was a lie—but he kept his job. Hersh said the message, if you’re an official on the inside of a government agency, is “Do what you want but watch your mouth.” “That’s a message that somehow escaped us,” Hersh said of the media. “We should have communicated more to you about the message. Obama wouldn’t tolerate a little back-mouthing about him. He wouldn’t tolerate that. But he tolerated somebody going directly to the Congress and lying to their face about it.” “They own the guy,” he said of the administration and Clapper. Hersh said it appeared that Michael Hastings, the journalist who broke the McChrystal story, had been “full of coke” when he recently died in a traffic accident. “Why not? If you knew what he did,” Hersh commented. The public, Hersh said, is catching on to the media manipulation. He noted a conversation with one member of Congress who had been at the “B.S. hearings” on Syrian poison gas, and had been convinced by the Obama administration that Syrian President Bashar Assad had “delivered the gas himself in a helicopter probably.” Read more and share. westernjournalism/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Seymour-Hersh-SC.jpg Article: westernjournalism/media-icon-exposes-obamas-war-press/
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 04:16:06 +0000

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