Fat is something you have, not something you are - by Claire - TopicsExpress


Fat is something you have, not something you are - by Claire Goodwin, the Great British Bake Off contestant who was fat shamed after she appeared on the show, welcomes new research into the negative effects of fat shaming but says weight is a lot more complex than that. Fat is something you have, not something you are We need to be kinder to fat people - Claire Goodwin, the Great British Bake Off contestant, says attitudes to weight and obesity need to change. I have spent this morning talking about my weight. I think I have successfully talked off a few calories. My tongue is definitely feeling lighter. Or maybe that is because I am resting it on the inside of my cheek. The reason I have been offered time to comment is due to the new research published today regarding obesity. A study, funded by Cancer Research UK and published in the journal Obesity, suggests that people who are branded “fat” (nice phrase; all I can think of is an overfed haunch of mottled pork in a butcher’s shop) gain more weight subsequently due to the emotional implication of such negative comments. In other words, criticising someone because of their weight is not - as is commonly thought - effective in making them lose a pound or two. There is no definitive reason noted as to why, which makes the point - happily, in my opinion - that weight is more complex an issue than being a bit greedy. The inference is that a person’s weight is directly related to their emotional wellbeing; their feeding behaviours a response to these feelings. Negatively address a person’s weight and you could potentially trigger response behaviours resulting in even greater weight gain. Sounds sensible. Of the articles I have read on this, I see the phrase “fat shaming” often; that is, to make a person feel guilty about their weight and the health connotations involved. Unfortunately, this phrase is the epitomy of negativity itself. It validates a shallow theory that weight gain is purely about choices. Here we have a piece of research that is fairly positively pointing out that obesity is more complex an issue than greed or weakness. This is good. Fat isn’t a dirty word. It is descriptive. But it doesn’t describe a person. Fat is something you have, not something you are. To make someone feel unworthy and ashamed because of an aspect of their appearance, and assume things about their personality and behaviours due to this is frankly absurd. As we all know, there is little use in research to identify the causal factors of a problem if we don’t have at least the hint of a solution at the end of it. So what did the research tell us? Well, for starters, we need to be kinder to fat people. The survey authors haven’t revealed what parameters were used to measure fat discrimination and prejudice but the hints are “poor service in shops” and “harrassment at work”. Now hopefully, “poor service at shops” hasn’t been judged using the example of a supermarket on a Saturday afternoon, staffed by hungover kids conducting cross-aisle conversations about where they will be drinking that night. Fat or not, I doubt even Kate Moss would get decent directions to the bread aisle in that instance. But the important point here is that maybe the idea of fat discrimination needs considering more thoroughly. The thought that someone is harassed at work due to their size is utterly appalling. I understand that someone may be too overweight to carry out their job efficiently and safely (Emergency Service crews, for example), and this certainly needs to be addressed appropriately. But harassment because someone is larger - a fact that has no bearing on their ability to carry out their job - is disgusting. Imagine: “Sorry, but you weren’t promoted because you smoke.” It just wouldn’t happen, would it? My time in the Great British Bake Off tent showed me that maybe fat discrimination does exist. I do wonder, though, whether it is people being nasty about fat people or people being nasty because they are socially unskilled and fat people are an easy target. For all the positivity I faced when I appeared on the show, I was also faced with derisory comments about my weight. “Uurrgghh look at the fat bird, you’d think she would be good at making cakes!” was one of the insults. “She’s crying because there isn’t enough cake, was another. And my personal favourite: “Urgh you fat melt (no, I don’t know what that means either). Maybe I have been fortunate enough to spend my life with people who are both socially skilled and of deeper substance not to reduce me to my physical appearance alone; but this was the first time I had been “fat shamed”. Similarly, I wonder if I had been rail thin yet spotty, would someone have suggested my dermatological issues were the consequence of snorting crème patisserie? Do we have “fat discrimination” or do we have socially inept idiots who refuse to inhibit their behaviours and thoughts due to the attention they receive through airing them? Indeed, one of the suggestions on how to encourage your fat friends to lose weight from the research today is: “Don’t ask what an obese person is doing at a gym, or mock their efforts.” Why on earth do we need to tell people that? Following on from this is a comment in one of the articles from Tam Fry of the National Obesity Forum: ‘Put yourself on the side of the person whose lifestyle you wish to change. Be understanding and talk to the person rather than at them.” I despair. Apart from the obvious dictatorial tone, I despair that we need to be told to have compassion towards our fellow humans. So, does telling someone they are fat make them fatter? Yes it certainly can - in fact it can lead to serious eating disorders and be far more traumatic than one thinks. Personally, for me, no. I am fat due to a whole range of issues. I haven’t always been fat, I wasn’t a particularly fat child. But I have always been very emotional. I believe the two are linked for me, particularly at this stage in my life. But my weight is my business. I’ve lost weight before; I will lose weight again. If you want to help me, please don’t laugh at me wobbling when I go to the gym.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 04:58:50 +0000

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