Fax I just sent to Senator Cornyn: Sir: There are 18 million - TopicsExpress


Fax I just sent to Senator Cornyn: Sir: There are 18 million Americans who cannot find a full-time job. The DREAM Act amnesty would harm these disadvantaged American men and women, legal immigrants, and all their families. How does a mass amnesty help the tens of millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans and legal immigrants who are struggling to keep their homes and meet their families essential needs? It obviously does not. How does a mass amnesty encourage the planets masses to respect our borders, culture, language, and sovereignty as their own countries demand we do for them? It obviously does not. How does a mass amnesty secure our borders from entry by terrorists and Ebola carriers? It obviously does not. Do you, due to some perverted logic born of too many cocktail parties with libtardian lounge lizards, actually believe that your constituents will ignore these glaring disparities in your demagoguing facial flatulence? The U.S. already lets in 125,000 new foreign workers each month. Why do we need to increase this when there isnt a shortage of workers? The people streaming over our borders with impunity are not skilled workers -- or it takes a lot more skill to operate a lawn mower than when I did it as a High School student. Businesses want more foreign workers so they can increase their own profits by holding down wages. That is the natural inclination of those seeking to profit in labor-intensive industries. That does not make it right, nor may you use it as a justification for ignoring our overwhelmingly popular desire to enforce our perfectly normal immigration law, AS IT IS. I hope you will stop flip-flopping on the DREAM Act and finally decide to oppose it once and for all. Also, if it is not too much of an inconvenience, could you possibly bring yourself to introduce legislation prohibiting the holding of any elected federal office for more than four NON-CONSECUTIVE terms? Surely, you will agree that it is past time for our elected officials to stop spending the major part of their efforts in fundraising and other campaign activities, while supposedly fulfilling some necessary position in our bureaucracy. I know, I know............ Dont call you Shirley.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:42:17 +0000

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