Feeling highly Bless I once was a victim of domestic - TopicsExpress


Feeling highly Bless I once was a victim of domestic violence Now a survivor I weekly basis Talk to my support team my Psychologist Who very professional And my advocate she and him made A complement on road to recovery Out of a bad circumstances which sometimes folks can switch the blame meaning Instead of faulting on what A victim did wrong instead of being happy because Some family members Who because of abuse They family members Didnt make it out Just saying I needed to hear that because Encouragement to go beyond to a survivor Is inspirational I had A few tests last week I got out of character But now I dont feel so bad because like my doctor said what did they expect meaning you cant go around stepping on peoples feelings especially for a folk that never ask for much anyway And to be call all kinds of names for nothing I just grateful for the freinds and family that were there without a gain meaning some folks forget what you did for them until your struggling out of something it took me awhile but I did It like my support team said if someone cant value or appreciate your worth or you they dont derserve you and last week yes I said some things and the person did Say why did I say It on facebook why Because I wanted the whole world to know what I was feeling I in my healing mode and Got tired of folks who really five second away That really dont appreciate me And that was a open door I became depress About 5 years ago Why because I was bulley and abuse by folks who I thought love and care about me until I rely On God and my support Team list of doctors Professionals who I told them my story and grateful I not Insane just a victim of abuse which started From childhood my healing came when I started writing again Because I always wrote Since grade school My gift which god gave Me just saying I learning Alot things about myself It happens when you find Out who you are which Is human I do have alot Support from my elders And whose there right now I move to a area Where I wanted the same team of support Because its hard telling Your story over and over Because I know its unbelievable but it happen ,/ and soon it be on a shelf names change except Author Opal Ingram /
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:30:07 +0000

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