{{~Fem!John}} rant commencing in: 3... 2... 1... hey guys, i - TopicsExpress


{{~Fem!John}} rant commencing in: 3... 2... 1... hey guys, i know i have been pretty inactive (nonexistant) lately. i apologize greatly. i had been feeling...well...not myself for quite awhile. and it took some thinking but i had decided to stay off facebook (and the internet in general) for a little while. i have been battling some personal demons (mostly generated by my own stupid mind), as well as with a tad bit of drama involving someone lying to me about something very close to my heart and then not caring to hide the lie any more (which just pisses me off like you wouldnt believe). work has also been hell in a hand basket, i now have to do waaaaaaaay more and be responsible for waaaaaaaay more and not get any sort of benefit out of it, which if you knew me, you would already know that i put my heart and soul into my work because i want to do the best i can and be of some use. so to add even MORE onto my plate has...well frankly, it has exhausted me. and it doesnt help that one of my roommates has decided to move out on his own (im happy for him) but if we dont find someone else to rent the room, i will be trying to find somewhere else to live...which on my salary (if you can even call my pittance a salary) means i will either be moving in with my mom again and sleeping in the living room or taking out even more school loans then i already need to to pay for a shitty, rat infested place of my own. the very small silver lining to this little unhappy cloud of shit that has been my life, is that i now have a matesprit. and man oh man is he amazing. he has been such a big big big help in keeping me sane through all of this. we havent been together long (not quit a month yet) but things have been going extremely well and i sense a very long and beautiful thing blossoming. another silver outline is that by staying off the internet more and more, i find myself in a slightly better mood then when i was on it all the time. i have been reading a lot lot lot more (a favorite pass time that has long since been swept under the rug) and have been able to actually relax without having to worry about everyone elses drama or getting upset by a seemingly innocent status that just so happens to hit the wrong spot in my mood bubble. seeing as i wasnt too popular as an admin anyways (i know i was pretty bad at it) and the realization that i will not be posting hardly ever, if creator-san wishes to take me off as an admin then i completely understand. i did, however, have a lot of fun being an admin on this page and i love all of you dearly, but forgive me, i must do what is best for me and that seems to be staying away from, mainly, facebook. i am on pesternote and pesterchum (Ryuki and scarletHope respectively) if you wish to mingle with this sad excuse for a homestuck fan. i beg your forgiveness and wish you the best of luck in your endeavors! love forever, {{~Fem!John}}
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:12:39 +0000

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