Fight back. Dont let internalized OPPRESSION. Racism damaged black - TopicsExpress


Fight back. Dont let internalized OPPRESSION. Racism damaged black families, extensively. Today, black families are torn and practice OPPRESSION on each other. I know this because I see this in my own family. I will continue studying and using as well as teaching Re-Evaluation Counseling until I can see this internalized OPPRESSION eradicated. The first step to ending OPPRESSION in your own family as well as the wide world is to acknowledge it, openly. Racism is more exposed in todays society than it ever was. And, so is the internalized OPPRESSION in my own family. I am forced to expose this OPPRESSION to eliminate continuing damages on younger generations and more to come. I dont understand it all. And, I know that my siblings will hate me for more of this exposure. But, I have learned this year 2014, that they already carry this hate in their heart for me. Yet, I know that these are based on extreme damages from early childhood. I have tried in every other way to get them to talk about these OPPRESSION damages. They just sit there, cold, as ice. Then, they get around others and lie about the whole matter making me look like the bad guy. When, truly, we know it is the negative spirit that possess each of us at various times. I wont allow the internalized OPPRESSION to continue to damage the lives of more of our family . OPPRESSION will be eradicated in my family.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 00:48:35 +0000

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