Finally, and with Herculean effort, with the help of my - TopicsExpress


Finally, and with Herculean effort, with the help of my twenty-first century light source, I reach the bridge over highway eight and take a picture of the traffic zooming below and come to the foot of Texas Street hill. Then it’s a turn east and following Camino del Whatever to her office. I see her car in the parking lot. I’m early but I expect her call asking where to pick me up any minute. Inside her door is closed and that means she’s shrinking someone’s head, stripping someone’s conscience bare, or doing her Bowenian Therapy on their noggins, I’m not sure what but it works like magic. I say magic because I think it’s the same spell Barb works on me. It’s Bowenian, it’s Witchcraft, and it doesn’t matter, it works like a charm. That’s why I undertook the epic trek. Sure, I didn’t plan for it to be epic, it just turned out that way. That’s what life and love do sometimes, and it’s the times you don’t plan it. You have no control and no clue. They go epic. My love for Barb has gone epic and I’m forever changed.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:18:12 +0000

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