Financial Blessing Life happens. Sometimes its the loss of a - TopicsExpress


Financial Blessing Life happens. Sometimes its the loss of a job, unexpected events, illness or other things that people face that affect them financially. People everywhere want their finances blessed, and below is a prayer on this subject. Before we get to that however, please let me mention that aside from the normal occurrences of life, there are also many spiritual reasons why people experience financial difficulty. I wont list all of them, but here are a few things to keep in mind and pray about as well. Nothing seems to prosper, and provision is meager. Consider perhaps that you are not in the right field. Sometimes we need a shift in location, relationship alignments or something else in order to find the place where we will truly prosper. You might be in the wrong geographic location or wrong city. We experienced this on a number of occasions. When we made the shift from one city to another, which was only about 30 miles difference, all of a sudden more work and opportunities opened up. You wouldnt think it would have made that much of a difference, but it did. The Lord also had us let go of a business associate my husband was working with at the time. He professed to be Christian but he was full of anger and living a very compromised life. We had been making money that was owed to us, but it seemed like it was pulling teeth to get it to come into our hands. This continued for months. The day we let go of this person, 3 checks were in our mailbox on the same day! Consider who you are aligned with and ask God if you need to make any changes relationally. Sometimes God is trying to teach a spiritual principle of sowing before you can reap. Sow a seed - donate your time, talents, or find a way to bless someone in the area where you desire to reap - without expecting them to repay you. What is your need? Sow a seed. Dont worry about the size. What seems inadequate or even silly to you is still large enough for God to bless. Remember the little boy with the loaves and fishes! God never overlooks sacrificial giving.When youve sown a seed in faith, God blesses and returns the blessing. Is something preventing you from receiving blessing? Is God is trying to get your attention? The Lord is our shepherd and His promise is that we will not lack, but if we open the door to sin or have open doors somewhere, it can allow the enemy to rob and plunder our provision. Sometimes He also uses wilderness rations in order to teach us how to trust Him. Pray and ask the right questions. Is He trying to teach you something?What does He want you to learn? There is an unbroken curse in effect that is robbing you. When cars repeatedly break down, your finances seem to vanish in thin air, or other things continually drain your pocketbook, those things are not always from natural causes or just life. I do not believe in prosperity preaching or wrong use of scripture to mislead people, but at the same time we have to recognize that poverty is a curse. Spirits of death and hell will try to take the blessings right out of your hand. The thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy. (The prayer below will address some of that, but if you want to be very thorough, go to the other articles and look for Breakthrough Prayer.) Are you holding unforgiveness or bitterness against someone? Unforgiveness is the 1 reason why blessings are withheld. Every persons life is different, and there are no pat answers. Im not going to get religious on you and try to tell you what you have to do. But if you ask the Lord to reveal any just reason why financial blessings are being withheld, or reasons why youre going through some things youre going through, God will show you. Obedience, repentance (which is simply changing your mind about what you think, and the way you think about God) and generosity towards others unlocks His hand. I will give you a nugget of wisdom God shared with me, and every time Ive practiced it, it releases breakthrough. God told me that when we do something kind for someone else that cannot repay us, He becomes Lord of the Breakthrough to us. Especially if it is an act of humility and sacrifice! I have so many testimonies of sowing into homeless people, people that were dying, others that a serious need of some kind, and what I gave was always on the practical level of things like food, finances, clothes, etc. EVERY SINGLE TIME God responded with blessing. Its not always financial, sometimes its an answer to another prayer, but God is ever so faithful to return the act of generosity. Try it yourself, youll see, its a principle that works! With all that being said, here is the prayer for financial release. The Bible says: Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. -Malachi 3:8 Then verse 9 reads: Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. -Malachi 3:9 Don’t Worry About Your Finances – God Knows and He Will Supply In Matthew 6:25 - 32 God tells us that when you have faith in Him, you dont ever have to worry about food, clothes, shelter, etc.. Jesus will provide. Then in verse 33 and 34 He says: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Receive More Financial Blessings When You Pay Beyond The 10% Tithe The moment I received the money, I felt the love of God pour over me like warm oil. He took the time out to fulfill my needs. When you give from your heart (consistently) and you trust ONLY in God as your provider, I guarantee you will be blessed financially. There is no other God that will fulfill your need. You just got to trust and give and He will provide your financial need. The following scripture is true: “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” -Luke 6:38” Do You Need a Financial Blessing? Here are a few tips on how to receive your financial blessings: 1. Give God 10% of everything you earn. Give a 10th of this tithe to your church. 2. Give money to a poor or financially struggling family. This can be money, food, school supplies for children. 3. Trust God as your provider. You must trust God as your provider 100%. Don’t rely on your job, business or anyone else - just God. This shows Him that you love Him and rely on Him for all of your financial needs. 4. Pray daily for your finances. Make sure you pray daily that God will provide your needs. Pray without ceasing/ 5. Praise Him and Thank Him. After you pray, make sure you thank Him for providing for your financial needs. You have to thank Him as if you already received your financial blessing. I learned to do this and it works! Luke 6:38 reads: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. When you praise God and thank Him for answering your prayers BEFORE you receive the answer - that is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. 6. Read scriptures daily about financial blessings. Read and meditate on scriptures about financial blessings from God. For example, when I need help financially, I like reading the following scripture of faith: So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. -Luke 11:9 God is Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide). God wants to bless us. All we have to do is trust in Him and give. He loves us. He will fulfill your financial need. I have tried and trusted Him for my financial needs. If He can bless me, He can bless you! Thank God for all the blessings He has given to you, both past, present and future. Confess and repent of all sins, known and unknown. I repent of all financial unfaithfulness in my life. Father, please forgive me. Father God I thank You for giving me the wisdom to make wealth in Jesus’ name. I seal up totally every spiritual hole the enemy has dug in your pulse, wallet, money bag or account in Jesus’ name. Every instrument of the enemy designed to bring you down financially, I destroy in Jesus’ name. I destroy by fire every means the enemy has been using to siphon you finances in Jesus’ name. I uproot and destroy every hindrance to you financial prosperity and increase in Jesus’ name. Every wrong deal, contract or contact designed to waste your money, reject in the name of Jesus Christ. Every person or personality holding back your financial expansion and multiplication, I command you to loose your hold and be broken in pieces in Jesus’ name. Every evil money given to you causing a hindrance in your finances, I wipe you out of existence with the Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus’ name. Every person or personality sent to steal your finance, I send you back empty-handed to your senders; for total destruction in Jesus’ name. I break and destroy every stronghold over your financial increase in Jesus’ name. The money you gave out to someone and it was used against you; I reject it and its effects in Jesus’ name. I command money to locate you now in Jesus’ name. you receive a hundred-fold restoration of your wasted finances in the name of Jesus Christ. Every imagination of the wicked concerning your finances, I destroy in Jesus’ name. Every odd job or business designed to distract you from my God-destined financial exploits, I reject, in Jesus’ name. I destroy from your life every seed of poverty and lack ,in Jesus’ name. Every tree producing bad fruits against your financial dominion, I uproot and consume with the Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus’ name. I open every financial gate closed against you, by fire, in Jesus’ name. I command every financial pitfall the enemy has dug for me to be covered, in Jesus’ name. Every foundation of wickedness negating your financial release be destroyed by fire, in Jesus’ name. Father, as a child of God, I now take authority over the spirit of Python which constricts. I bind it up in the name of Jesus and I forbid it from restricting their ability to prosper. I also take authority over poverty and death, and forbid these thieving spirits of death and hell from advancing against you, your family and your livelihood. I tell them all, Be bound, In Jesus name.” According to what Jesus has already done on the cross, I command you to be silent, impotent, and void of any and all power. Leave them now, in Jesus name. I release the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to show you any areas of your life that may be hindering you from receiving increase in blessing and prosperity. If you need to be realigned in some way, show you. If there are relational changes that need to take place, show you. Let Your divine connections come forth now, I pray. I speak a release of Prosperity, Promotion, Favor, Blessing and Increase. Forgive them, Lord, for areas of selfishness and greed. I know that their am blessed to be a blessing. Let the work of their hands be blessed. Let fruitfulness and increase be released in their family. I command all illegal encroachers, both in the natural and spiritual to be removed from that which concerns you and your family. Please let angelic assistance be released to help remove any spiritual hindrances to breakthrough. I declare all curses are broken. Let blessing and favor be released over each family member, our employment, business contacts and finances. I command the enemy to restore everything he has taken, according to Proverbs 6:31, and with a 7-fold increase. I call for inheritances to come forth, both spiritual and natural, and I speak release over myself and entire family. I speak the word of RELEASE over the people in your city. I command all mountains of resistance to be removed, every gate unlocked, and every door that is connected to Your opportunities to be opened. I speak a release of Your grace, favor, love and restoration to everyone that is in need of Your touch, and Your assistance. In Jesus name, Amen. Thank God for answers to your prayers Today receive financial breakthrough in Jesus’ name!! AMEN!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:10:48 +0000

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