First, I dont like when fellow Africans born in Africa go to - TopicsExpress


First, I dont like when fellow Africans born in Africa go to America and certainly become professionals in Black culture in America without deeper understanding of oppression, people being BEATEN when they tried going to school barely 60 years ago. This Kenyan woman, immigrated to US and is now a pro on how black people should speak their English. To begin with, Speaking any English is certainly talking white English is a european language and whites are from there, they should be perfect in that language not none Europeans. Speaking broken english doesnt make one less intelligent. My grammar sucks as hell yet I have Computer/electrical master degrees from one of the best uni in the world. African americans were denied privilege of attending well funded schools in America until recently, where did you want them to perfect that QUEENS English your colonialist pounded into your head? Are you perfect in Swahili or is your english better than your African language you spoke growing up in Kenya. Taking this high ground and dissing people who made it easier for you to go to america and perfect your so called American Fluent English is silly. Nobody speaks fluent Englsih anymore, not even britons. Languages evolve depending on the environment just as Australians English have evolved from the UK english yet they are same Anglo people. You cant just expect a community that was punished whenever they were seen reading or trying to learn. The moment I saw this woman getting called in for an Interview with BBC to bash African Americans I couldnt help but share my opinion here. Yes, there is talking WHITE, if you speak swedish, irish, german, greek, italian, you are freaking talking white. If you speak Zulu, swahili, Twi, Yoruba, Oromo, or lingala, then you are talking BLACK. If I was raised under the slavery oppression, I would wanna forge or form my own way of talking that my community can identify with without shame. After your names, religion, culture has been stripped a way from you, the least you can do is create a new culture, names and language that is different from main stream. That is a freaking PRIDE…GIT IT? womans name is Nefertiti Menoe
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 07:23:08 +0000

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