First-hand-accounts on Zimbabwe’s 2013 election 15/07/2013 By - TopicsExpress


First-hand-accounts on Zimbabwe’s 2013 election 15/07/2013 By zimbabweelection Leave a Comment Subscribers of the Kubatana platform have been sharing their reports on the local environment as Zimbabwe gets ready for Elections 31 July. Here are their reports in their own words: Robert Mugabe launches his campaign Robert Mugabe launches his campaign In farms in Bindura North we are being intimidated by Zanu PF with death and people are afraid for their lives. Where are observers because there are rallies daily in our area until election day. Guys there is a lot of fighting between Zanu PF candidates in Bikita West. People are being intimidated, the situation is so tense. Because of politicians who are inconsiderate of our education and solely concentrate on power, students are now being affected as they are now forced to close school on the 26th. How can we put the same person who ignores our concerns in power? Food for thought. In Bulawayo, Zanu PF has distributed tshirts and caps to all civil servants, whether you like or not, signalling beginning of intimidation. There is an advert on Radio Zimbabwe against hate speech and they are publishing speeches that were made by Morgan Tsvangirai and Tendai Biti. Now my question is, why are they not giving us reasons why those people came to say that, also I attended a rally yesterday in Vic Falls where Obert Mpofu used hate speech against Morgan Tsvangirai, and that will not be published. Is there justice there? Many people attend Zanu PF rally at Kuwadzana Holland because of artist that used be zanu for campaigning, i talk with several people and they say we are here becoz of sulu and jahprazy. And some they say cde betty kaseke will win at 31 July. Long queues are being noted at Wedza Police Station for those waiting to cast their special votes, so too at Sadza Police Post in Chikomba. But little did I know that there are so many police officers at these two stations. In Gweru Mkoba its so annoying to realise that our MP did noting with the funds meant 2 develop our community. I expected him to repair a water tank which has not been working 4yrs, to service high level areas instead of relying on NGOsto2 drill boreholes. He moves with a car worth 35 000.There is no hope in Zim Kuno Mutare south, Dora Dombo, villages (Mundembe & Bvirindi, chief Zimunya Bvirindi is forcing every house hold to attend to a Zanu PF rally being addressed by Pemhenai candidate for Zanu PF on Sat 13/07/2012. Here at Ngezi we are crying for Zanu pf strategy to cause the people of Turf complex of Zimplats Ngezi unregister. Please help us we want to vote for a better change. But PM @ our MDC officials you must have one rally at Ngezi mine pliz do us our favour because we are tired of Zanu pf. We are here to vote for MDC-T. WeZanu wari kubvarura maposter eMDC vachiisa awo it shows hawana patrotism (Zanu supporters are tearing down MDC posters and putting up their, shows they have no patriotism) I live in my farm near Triangle pamberi nababa vedu vamugabe Why is it Mugabe ari kuda kuvandira kumapositori kwamarange (Why is Mugabe using members of the apostolic sect in Marange) Today 1hr ago Tabeth Kanengoni was mobilising people 2 vote 4 her on the coming election. She is Z.A.N.U.P.F Candidate for MP Mashonaland Central. Amai Gezi was there Chimukoko the mudert. They said if we loose, runoff & war. Why? MDC posters are being torn by Zanu so it shows kuti they are afraid the outcome Solders were wearing Zanu Pf regalia at Mutoko Growth Point they torn down MDC ~T that was worn by D KANYONGO in front of ten policemen who had come to solve the reported case All civil servants should vote on the special vote. I don’t know that our MP was given 50 thousand dollars such a big amount. No development in our constituency. People who were given money for projects were asked to return after use. In our ward we got nothing. Gutu district Masvingo province voters cant cast on their votes because ZEC failed to transport ballot papers in time up to now no ballot papers I stay in Ascot Gweru .The Gweru Urban MP, Rodrick Rutsvara did nothing for e benefit of e constituency instead he is using e funds to Build a Nite Club in Ascot Kutyisidzirwa kuMajongwe kwanyanya ward31 mt north mkumbura (Intimidation is high in Manjongwe ward 31 Mt North Mkumbura) Gutu west polling station Gatenel close at 1900hrs without ballot papers since 6am
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 13:11:47 +0000

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