Firstly, I applaud Klinsmann on his bold decisions to omit what - TopicsExpress


Firstly, I applaud Klinsmann on his bold decisions to omit what is arguably the face of United States Mens Soccer for the past decade. A decision of that magnitude requires testicular fortitude; and while his explanations might seem logical and convenient from a footballing perspective, in actuality, the repercussions would be devastatingly atrocious! Yes, Landon Donovan for the past two years has had his ups and downs, his form may have plummeted, it appears his love for the beautiful game was fading away, Americans at home and the diaspora questioned his decision to take a sabbatical when his Country needed him the most, and his patriotism, ironically was scrutinized! In professional sports, and for athletes who deal with the stress of delivering, and giving optimal performance it was only befitting that Landon Donovan take a break from Football to recalibrate, refocus himself, and do what it best for him as an athlete. The incredulity of questioning a guy who has given all to American football for over a decade, is absurd to say the least! Yes, Klinsmann is opting for youths with a blend of experience; but in a rather inconceivable twist of irony, and logically ludicrous, he has decided to drop the All Time Leading Goal Scorer of the USMNT! How could you argue a case for experience, when the guy who has rescued this team continuously is omitted. Yes, he might be in his mid 30s, but the experience he brings, especially at the Global level is unparalleled. Already missing is Eddie Johnson, and you have dropped Landon, in exchange you select a relatively unproven 17 year old, Julian Green and Yedlin. I am not only baffled but appalled at Klinsmann technical and tactical savvy. Yes, I will go on record and say the USMNT was placed in a group where they will not progress, fact! Facing the likes of Ghana, Germany and Portugal demanded experience and leaving Donovan out was like booking the return ticket from Brazil. Interestingly, there will be likes of Andre Pirlo, Gianluigi Buffon, Lampard, Essien, Klose, Eto, Drogba, and many other players way past age 35, that will be in Brazil, giving all they can for their country, without of course, Landon Donovan perceivably because of his age and perhaps his current form, then again...If current form was a catalyst for selection , Altidore, Dempsey, Beasley, Green, and Yedlin shouldnt be in Klinsmann selection! On that note, let the games begin, my pick is the Samba Boys of Brazil winning in style!#TrueBlueNeverFades
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 17:14:41 +0000

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