Fish & Trail Report Updated 7-20-14 Summary & Trail - TopicsExpress


Fish & Trail Report Updated 7-20-14 Summary & Trail Report Highs in the 70s, lows in the mid 40s, and afternoon T-storms made for another gorgeous, albeit exciting, week of weather in the high country. Thankfully no fires have popped up - which we hope continues. Thus far we have received a lot more precip than we typically see in July, and were hoping this is an omen of things to come. With all of the talk of an El Nino winter, weve got out fingers crossed. All the passes remain clear but the stints of rain and, sometimes hail, made life interesting for some of the thru Hikers and backpackers. A group doing the North Lake to South Lake Loop of the JMT were caught at the top of Muir Pass during one steady downpour and actually preferred the hail storm, during which they remained dry, to the heavy rain that followed as they headed south. PCT, JMT and High Sierra Route hikers are still out in force enjoying some of the best hiking in the west. The wildflowers are holding on strong and are still very much worth a visit for any photographer or nature lover. The cooler afternoon temps and bouts of rain surely have something to do with keeping the thirsty forest floor dotted with flowers. One thing weve noticed here at camp is a very high number of hummingbirds, also enjoying the wildflowers, but more for nectar than for looks. Weve seen plenty of hummingbirds in years past but never this many. Its interesting how life in the high country changes year to year. Excellent wild Trout reports continue to pour in from the backcountry with Kamloops from Green, Brookies from Tyee Lakes, Bull Lake, Grass Lake and Long Lake, and even a few Golden Trout from Humphreys Basin. The afternoon showers have no doubt helped to keep the mosquitoes going, especially in the higher 10000ft + elevation range. Skeeters here at the resort have calmed down considerably but hikers are still cursing the bitey devils. On the other hand, the dry fly bite has been excellent, probably due to the same. Bishop Creek So. Fork Creek flows are slightly higher than normal for this time of year but fishing excellent. Lack of storage at South Lake has the creek flowing just like it would without the benefit of a dam so its interesting to watch how the summer has played out. Weekly stockings from the DFW has kept the bite steady to great with most anglers finding fish regardless of how they like to fish. The bait folks are doing best with nightcrawler pieces and salmon eggs, lure tossers are scoring on Panther Martins in the yellow/red and holo-rainbow pattern, and the guys and gals who prefer plastics are scoring on white mini-jigs, king crimson jigs by Sierra Slammers and Berkley mice-tails in pink/white. Weir Pond The fly fishers continue to do very well here with midges working all day and mosquito patterns in the morning or evening Plastics and bait are also resulting in some nice catches. A nice mix of Browns, Rainbows and Brookies were the result for those prepared with waders. Apparently a few monsters are still lurking around as our friends at BCL weighed in a gorgeous 6lb 7oz Rainbow this week from the Weir. North Lake Somehow it is feast or famine at North Lake with some anglers boasting about wide open catch & release angling while others reported little or no action. Fly/Bubble was a killer this week with dries fished on top or nymphs or streamers fished deep. Powerbaiters did well on pretty much any brightly colored Powerbait. Intake II Great action reported at the Intake this week for folks fishing the northwest shore, the dam, and the bubble hole. The water level is normal and overal fishing has been solid in the feeder streams as well. Those fishin from float tubes did well working off the inlet closest to the campground. Lake Sabrina Some did well, others got the skunk. A little tougher bite than weeks past for most. For more details from our friends at the landing, click here. South Lake The outlet at South Lake produced some smaller model Rainbows and Brookies with the occasional Brown but nothing to brag about. Some brave anglers have carried kayaks down there to troll at night in search of Browns but instead managed the same mix of small Brookies, Browns & Rainbows. Its good to know that the fish have held over well with the low lake conditions. Sierrally, Jared Smith & the Parchers Resort Crew PS – As always, we are happy to provide high resolution images upon request to our friends in the press
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 18:06:42 +0000

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