Flight 93 why does it matter? The 911 Truth movement decided lack - TopicsExpress


Flight 93 why does it matter? The 911 Truth movement decided lack of evidence is evidence and so the rumor was spread around that flight 93 wasnt taken down it was shot out of the sky by a missile. The evidence for this they claim is lack of debris and one news reporter who said they found small debris as far as 8 miles away. This ignores the in flight calls, the black box, the eye witnesses, the debris all over the crash sight, and it requires many conspiracies and lies to make it make any sense. It also ends the discussion which helps cover up Cheney lying about his whereabouts in the POEC bunker that morning and what his orders were, and most of all it hides an israeli role since the only hijacker whose voice is not on the black box or mentioned in the in flight calls had a first cousin busted a month later in Lebanon as a spy for Israel. The only evidence they have is a passport found at the scene with one of the corners burned. possible but highly improbable. So as for the crash site. It doesnt look like other plane crashes there for it was a missile the truthers say. Well thats a silly basis for a hypothesis because it wasnt a normal plane crash so it shouldnt look like a normal plane crash. 1 In normal crashes the pilot puts the landing gear down and at least attempts to land the plane. At minimal they come in belly down. This flew nose first into the ground 2 Multiple witnesses saw it. 3 There was debris loose change just lied. Others just copied that info as gossiple and used the same cherry picked pictures. 4 The black boxes were found and the audio is available. They have to create a convoluted story where all the phone calls were fake (it would be much easier to just not have any calls). That implies all the family members were in on it or fools by the voice technology. A totally unnecessary risk. None of the calls mention 4 hijackers only three that would be a stupid thing to fake since there are supposed to be four people. The black box has all the voice but Al Jarrahs even when they are all saying Allah at the end he doesnt speak. The black box was found and available so that would have to be faked as well. Truther movies denied a box was found and denied debris too. Yet there are photographs of debris and the box. We have the entire transcripts, the box, the debris, witnesses, and no need to explain away in flight calls, or say the police, firemen, paramedics, victims families, and witness were all in on it. There is no motive for the government to shoot down a plane that they want to hit WTC7 and no reason to lie about shooting it down either when everyone would understand why it had to be sacrificed. You risk someone seeing it, you have to go fake a plane crash, fake calls, and get numerous people to all lie together about it. Even if the passengers regained control of the plane then fine go ahead and land it, its no different than crashing it as it missed its target anyway. The hijackers are more than capable of killing themselves or even better blaming it all on Iraq etc.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 17:18:49 +0000

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