Flush Fat with Cranberry Concentrate A great way to help cleanse - TopicsExpress


Flush Fat with Cranberry Concentrate A great way to help cleanse dietary fat from your blood stream and lymphatic system is by drinking diluted cranberry concentrate, hot or cold, NOT cranberry juice or cocktail!!! Cranberry juice – 100% juice, no added sugar – is not 100% cranberry juice. The cranberry juice is cut with apple juice, white grape juice and/or pear juice, all of which are considered cheap junk juices because of their very high concentration of isolated fruit sugar. When natural fruit sugar is separated from the fiber and water of the whole fruit it becomes problematic. Cranberry cocktail is even worse because it does have added cheap, refined white sugar or artificial sweeteners. Remember, cranberries are not naturally sweet. They are very tart. If you’re drinking a sweet cranberry drink, sugar of some description has been added. Neither of these above are what you want if you wish to flush dietary fat from your bloodstream and lymphatic system. Look for cranberry concentrate or cranberry juice concentrate, preferably organic, like these below: You will know it’s cranberry concentrate by the label and the price. A 16 ounce bottle costs around $20. Because only a tablespoon or so is used at a time, it’s an excellent investment and is worth every penny! Cranberry concentrate supports and aids the liver in breaking down dietary fat. Cranberries contain arbutin, a diuretic that helps flush toxic fluids from the body, and cranberries are high very in antioxidants. A liver clogged with toxins, poisons and excess fats cannot perform its fat-burning and other vital duties. The liver becomes more efficient at using stored fat for fuel when the body is well hydrated. Diluted cranberry concentrate hydrates and can help eliminate water retention and cleanse accumulated wastes. Cranberries are packed with flavonoids and organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid, and quinic acid which have an emulsifying effect on stubborn fat deposits in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system acts as the body’s “garbage collector” and transports various waste products not processed by the liver. Just as lemon water is an great body flush, diluted cranberry concentrate is an even better systemic cleanser. You can also use tart cherry concentrate. The Knudsen’s “just” juices like Just Cranberry or Just Tart Cherry, preferably organic, are good though they are not as concentrated. I love to drink diluted hot cranberry concentrate throughout the day, though it’s most effective first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I tend to drink it warm in the winter and room temperature/chilled in the summer. Experiment with your mixture. Go easy at first. Cranberry concentrate is VERY TART and may take some getting used to. Once you have acquired the taste, increase your dosage and frequency. How to Make: 1. boil water as you would for tea 2. fill cup or other vessel with water 3. add between 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of concentrate 4. skip the sweetener 5. enjoy!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:41:58 +0000

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