Folks often look for consensus statements from various scientific - TopicsExpress


Folks often look for consensus statements from various scientific or governmental organizations. Its a worthwhile sentiment, but the benefit of having said position may be...lacking. Case in point: The American Society of Nutrition recently made the statement that processed foods are an integral part of the American diet. In a classic case of legaleeze being presented as scientific policy, processed foods may mean ANYTHING that does not entail eating a carrot from the ground (unwashed) or eating a fish, raw, uncooked and ungutted. These folks are using that extreme to justify lumping in things like cereal and potato chips. Is this REALLY the best articulation of human nutrition these folks can do? Perhaps this non-granular position has something to do with the money and endorsements flowing from the processed food scene into the ASN coffers. The article and many others make that case. So, yea, seek out consensus statement, but keep you head about you and perhaps do some investigation into other paradigms. Please also contrast this with how paleo is generally portrayed in the extremist diet that will ruin the planet. OK. medpagetoday/PrimaryCare/DietNutrition/46968?isalert=1&uun=g394895d1860R5387610u&utm_source=breaking-news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-news&xid=NL_breakingnews_2014-07-28
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:22:04 +0000

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