Follow YOUR passion and everybody benefits; said by my Mum over - TopicsExpress


Follow YOUR passion and everybody benefits; said by my Mum over breakfast as we shared some feelings on life and our perspectives of our paths so far. YOU may have heard it all before, you may have heard the term Follow YOUR Bliss and everybody benefits. Do what YOU love and everybody benefits. Follow YOUR truth and it serves all. Live YOUR purpose. Live YOUR legend.........etc etc No matter the term which suits you, these are powerful statements because most people I meet do not know what their passions, purpose, bliss, love or truth really are; so you can imagine trying to drive a car with no keys....unless your a car thief you are pretty buggered.... I am not being funny either, I was a thief for many years along my path, didnt know how to steal a car though but the car thief analogy is as good as any other! YOU have to know how to find your own way to bliss, love, truth, passion and purpose. Nobody has the one way map. Everybody else is trying to figure out the mystery here on planet earth too. (well maybe not everybody) And those that are not needing too, rarely speak because lets be honest, nobody can describe with words what it feels like to fully fall in love with life, to see beyond all conditioning, to unveil all the lies and truths, to embody the full spectrum of what it means to be a living breathing human BEING. Especially with all the distractions, conditions, avoidance, judgements, fears, doubts, anxieties, limitations, hurdles, and expectations. We are all living our own dream and while we do our best to share our perspectives on how life is, its very rare that anybody truly sees or feels it the same. Thats the beauty of the diverse unique beings we are. Thats why if we take care of our own relationship to life as its the only one we truly have any control over, then this serves every living being. So today I am inviting you into some silence and breath and to just sit with YOU and ask some key questions for YOU. YOU deserve a moment (amongst the chaos) to just ask; - What is YOUR truth? - What is YOUR bliss? - What is YOUR passion? - What is YOUR love? - What is YOUR ultimate significance? - What is YOUR purpose Are YOU living aligned to YOU? When we align to our deepest truth which only we truly know, then we are dancing in a whole different dimension. When we fall in love with ourselves wholeheartedly, there is no other outcome than falling in love with the whole planet because YOU are the planet and then your actions take care of everything else :-)
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 09:57:56 +0000

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