Following the successful National Delegates Conference of our - TopicsExpress


Following the successful National Delegates Conference of our Party which ended in Tamale over the weekend, I hereby send a very warm message of Congratulations to Mr. Paul Afoko and his new team of National Officers who have been elected into office. Clearly, the electioneering campaign process was not an easy one, albeit they were able to surmount all of the challenges that any candidate for such high and important office of our party usually faces. Even the decision to put oneself forward for the job is not an easy one. They have indeed shown as individuals that they have the courage and strength for public office. Having surmounted the challenge that they faced as individual contestants however, they have now come together to create a team of managers. I therefore call on the newly elected officers to work as a team, irrespective of their individual uniqueness, biases and idiosyncrasies. As I congratulate you, let me add my voice to many others who have reiterated the enormity of the challenges ahead of you as new management; issues such as party unity, discipline, the mobilization of financial and material resources for effective party work and preparedness for electoral victory among others, are staring you directly in the face. I therefore urge you to settle down quickly to deal with this enormous task ahead. Unfortunately, these challenges may rob you of the honeymoon that you so rightly deserve. However, in the interest of the party’s timely preparations for victory in 2016, I have no doubt that you will be more than ready to sacrifice this well-deserved honeymoon. In the interest of party unity and strength, I call on you to be magnanimous in victory by extending a gesture of goodwill towards those who lost to you in the just-ended contest. Those of them who were officers would obviously have some experience which they could put at your disposal. Do not hesitate to tap into such experience and expertise to enrich your own thinking and work as new executives. Let me also remind you that the entire membership of the party, well-wishers and indeed the overwhelming majority of Ghanaians are looking up to you to deliver nothing less than a resounding victory in the 2016 general elections. All of such people retain the belief that you are up to the task. You can also count on the total support of the whole party to enable you achieve this objective. Once again, congratulations!! And may your tenure be crowned with victory.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 20:01:31 +0000

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