Food Labels can be tricky and even deceiving. Here a few - TopicsExpress


Food Labels can be tricky and even deceiving. Here a few explanations involving egg labels: cage free: they arent kept in a cage, but many times are still indoors, confined to overcrowded spaces and given food theyre not meant to eat. free range: Even though this sounds great, like the chickens have the freedom to range around as they please, its not always what it seems. Many instances, small additions are put on to the warehouses chickens are kept, giving them access to a confined pen that is outside. The problem: its so tiny and there are so many birds this does no good for them or for our food quality. Pasture raised: this is one of the best labels you can have on your egg carton. It means the chickens are outside on fields, usually allowed to eat what nature has provided (bugs) and access to shelter. lexiconofsustainability/pop-up-art-shows/pastured/ Always make sure chickens are anti-biotic and hormone free. Soy-feed is common in raising chickens, make sure its non-gmo soy if you purchase these types of eggs. Local farms and farmers markets are great places to make relationships with good suppliers. I personally have been using Moograss Farms (moograssfarms) for about 3 years now. Good food and great people. Another resource is farmmatch This site shows all the local food suppliers in your area and the types of food they offer. You can customize your account to certain area codes, types of food, price, etc.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 17:25:39 +0000

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