Foods for Fuel- for pre and post workout It’s important when - TopicsExpress


Foods for Fuel- for pre and post workout It’s important when you exercise how you train as well as what you eat before and after a workout. These both impact your performance and recovery. Some still stick with the pasta for carb loading and chocolate milk post workout. These probably are not the best options for athletes. If you have any kind of intolerance or sensitivity to milk it can cause joint pain and inflammation. Dairy is on the top of the list for inflammation causing foods! The bottom line is you need sufficient carbohydrates to refuel lost glycogen supplies. You also need protein for tissue repair. Try to incorporate these foods into your routine: 1 .AVOCADO • High in monounsaturated fat, which is easily burned for energy. • High in potassium( more than bananas) and B vitamins-which boost your energy • Have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce joint pain and muscle fatigue 2. BERRIES- when you exercise hard, your body releases free radicals, which can damage healthy cells. Berries are a satisfying source of sugar while keeping your blood sugar at a steady level. 3. COCONUT WATER • Ton of electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and also contains sodium 4. VEGETABLES • High in chlorophyll, which increases the oxygen in your blood More oxygen=more energy=better endurance=faster recovery Also packed with calcium, iron, and antioxidants 5. CHIA SEEDS • Will help you maintain your energy during your workout and recover faster • Have protein and antioxidants which reduce inflammation Replenish minerals that are lost through sweat like magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium, needed for muscle contractions. FOODS FOR FUEL- FOR PRE & POST WORKOUT - See more at: reformwithrachel.healthcoach.integrativenutrition/blog/2013/07/foods-for-fuel-for-pre-and-post-workout#sthash.YFivn2xI.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:25:31 +0000

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