Footnote: To those of you who may not know me and wonder something - TopicsExpress


Footnote: To those of you who may not know me and wonder something like: Wow... Ol Ace can spit them words right on outta there and tell it like it is cant he!... I wonder how he does that seemingly with so much ease?... Well let me have the liberty to answer that question... For one thing I come from a long line of eloquently spoken men and women on both sides of my family so I was blessed with a triple dose of the gift of gab... And secondly I have lived alone in this old house 24/7/365 for the last three years with nobody here with me but God and Rip and Midnight when I lay my head down on my pillow at night and close my eyes to the day and say my nightly prayers... And dont go to feelin all sorry for me and stuff because its by my own choice that I do so... And do you wanna know why?... Because Ill most likely never find a woman to put up with me... But on the other hand, I may be gettin old and alittle long in the tooth but I aint dead yet either and I always have been and I still am pretty choicy when it comes to a woman... I never was one to bed up like a bunch of dogs like Ive seen others do... If Im with you then Im with you... Just wished some of the ones I picked in the past knew it too but thats all water under the bridge too now and I learned from all of it so none of it was in vain... But all that aside, the main reason I choose to live alone is because I really like my alone time with just me & God & the dogs and whatever else He allows to live in these woods... If you really wanna get in touch with The Lord, spend each waking day in a world where except for an occasional well-appreciated visit from a few good friends, its just you and God for a few years and see how you start to see things in A Light youve never imagined much less seen before... Dont get me wrong; I love my life and its the life I choose... I know in my three years of solitude I have thankfully come to know more about myself and who I really am than ever before... And as a result of it all I have come to know My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ much better too... So hindsight always being 20/20 I now see what I once thought was a curse (divorce, etc) has turned out to be the best blessing I could ever ask for and then some... I love God, God loves me, and I love everybody else and for the first time in my long, self-screwed-up life, I am trekking on the true road of happiness... And Im good with that... Im not saying you have to become a selfmade hermit like me; but what I am saying is have you a prayer closet of sorts somewhere that you can spend time alone with just yourself and God for at least 30 minutes (in a row; not 3 times @ 10 minutes each) a day for a week and then add 5 more minutes a week as you go to your TAT or your Totally Alone Time with God until you work up to just 1 hr per day TAT session with God... At that point youll have your ducks in a row better than you ever have before as to what is good and godly and what is not... And you will be hungering and thirsting to add even more time to your TAT session with God... To whom much is given much is expected so as Mama used to say: Be careful what you pray for meaning pray with an earnest heart and no ill will toward anyone cause God dont roll like that... Hes all about Goodness and Love; and Rightousness... Rightousness keeps us on our toes and spirtually accountable to God... So as you see the only way for me to stop testifyin is to pull the switch and get off here only to commune more with The Lord alone... Try it; you just might like it... Class dismissed, yall...
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 20:38:15 +0000

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