For all of my gorgeous friends and family who feel I have been - TopicsExpress


For all of my gorgeous friends and family who feel I have been neglectful over the last year and a half I want to sincerely apologise for my absence and explain a little why my focus has been elsewhere. I took a risk, opened myself up to an opportunity and I have been building a future that I never believed was possible before, I have been changing people’s lives in a way that is taking my breath away every day and I have created a freedom and a legacy for my family that is unbelievable! I have to add that the health and fitness of myself and my whole family are improving daily, we are losing weight, have masses of energy, our immune systems are fantastic so we are rarely run-down or poorly and we have reversed some pretty serious diseases between us! I feel though that this is still not a good enough reason as this seems to be all about us and I want to explain further. The future we are building is now a reality, in just a year and a half we have laid the foundations to a fantastic business that we will be involved with forever and we can even will onto our kids – very important to us. We have built a residual income already that means we can stop working now and still receive the same amount every month forever! We won’t be stopping though because we are having so much fun and it’s massively rewarding so the only way is up! The freedom that we have now means we can take time out when we want for family commitments, go to Saxon’s sports day and harvest festival, take our parents shopping or for appointments – we are babysitting Hollie from Thursday through to Sunday – unheard of before! The changing lives statement … well, it really is happening. Last year it was just Paul and I, this year we have supported well over 100 people to do exactly what we are doing and whether they are in it for the top cardiovascular supplements in the world (even great nutrition isn’t going to do what this does) and we have some amazing stories, the best weight management system or the best financial plan (yes, some people do it just for the money!) we believe we have made a difference. This makes us want to work harder actually and not slow down at all. If we can make a difference to 100 people, why not make it 1,000, 10,000 or more? You wouldn’t stop either would you? I can say that what really drives me though is the change in my kids. They can see what we are doing, how simple it is, we can involve them and they understand how powerful Synergy is as a means of changing people’s lives for the better. They can come to the events, listen to our calls, they know the people we are working with and confident that the hard work we are putting in is worth it. Their support is powerful. Our kids are happy – happy kids equals happy parents! All four of them are involved in some way or another, Sadie is in the business, what a lovely thing for a 24 year old to be able to do with a 2 year old baby at home, she is already creating her own legacy for her family. Maddie is going to University soon and is chomping at the bit to get involved, she will be a real ambassador for Synergy for the under 20’s. Rachel came and supported us at our recent European Summit – it meant the world to us to have her there and she saw first-hand what we are doing and how this is changing our lives. Then there is Saxon! Saxon is another story entirely, he talks about Synergy products to his friends at school, when someone has a cough or cold he suggests they take Mistify to protect their immune system. He is the best helper at our meetings and is well known for his hugs. The biggest change however has been his understanding of how he too can help others just by caring enough to do something small and watching how this can snowball to have a huge impact. I’d love it if you watch the video attached, this is now on the global Synergy blog and is being viewed by people around the world. He recently raised more than £1,000 for the Synergy 5 Star Legacy Foundation by making loom band bracelets in country colours and selling them at our European Summit with donations only to the foundation. He decided to do this after watching a video on the Synergy website and wanting to help the children in other countries who aren’t doing as well as him, who don’t have schooling, who need help. We are told he is an inspiration, he is a superstar, he is a future leader in the business, he is a hero – there is much more. We couldn’t be prouder and when he got up on the stage in front of 1,000 people and told them what he was doing I thought my heart would burst. In a nutshell though he is our legacy! I hope this explains our absence, our focus and I know that, given the opportunity, you would do the same. This is why I’m seeking your understanding, your support, your patience. Will we ever take our foot off the throttle? Probably only for short periods of time but when we do you will be the first to know and blimey, when we do we will have some serious fun! We might not say it enough but we are grateful and thankful for you, seeing us through some tough and crazy times and just for being there! Looking forward very much to the future :-) ieblog.synergyworldwide/2014/10/8-year-old-organizes-5-star-legacy.html
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 06:11:30 +0000

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