For all those who dont know me and have joined my page, my - TopicsExpress


For all those who dont know me and have joined my page, my journey, or my team. I would like to share what I believe is only the beginning of a journey with Plexus... let me say right up front that this is not a testimonial because I feel Im not there quite yet!!! The way I look at this Im on a journey! My family and I have begun a journey down the Plexus Highway! As of 6 months ago I stayed home never left my house and honestly some days didnt get out of bed!!! I smoked like a train along with being highly addicted to Arizona Arnold Palmer Ice Tea’s!! Constantly munching on something or shoving something in my mouth when there wasn’t am cigarette in my mouth. Dr. put me on a pill to regulate my sugar... told me I wasn’t Diabetic but need to watch it and check my sugar… So I now had to check my sugar every morning which was always within the safe ranges but never the same reading twice… I couldn’t sleep at night and then when I did sleep I would sleep until 10 or 11 and then maybe get outta bed!!! AND I know a lot of my close friends are going to be irritated by this statement but I constantly would come up with excuses not to go places… because I just had no want or need to leave my house!! By day 7 of being on Plexus has been 99 almost everyday fluctuating maybe a degree or two in the range around 99….. I sleep at night and wake up around 7 every morning and GET OUT OF BED!! I have a ton of energy not the jittery drive you crazy energy just the energy that makes you want to get out and do something. I haven’t smoked at all in 5 months now! Not sayin I quit because I’m sure at some point I will get stressed and pick one up or drink a beer or cup of coffee and want one… I was smoking easily a pack to a pack and a half a day!!! I have lost as of today a total of 42 pounds and 3 pants sizes… Am I skinny NO will I ever be skinny NO I have always been a big girl but I’m slowly on my way to a health weight for the first time in my life… The most exciting part of it all is I feel GREAT… I don’t hurt as bad, I have energy, and I’m happy!! I now am very happy to say that I am off 8 different Rx medications!!! Including Percocet and Oxi in which I popped like candy just so that I was able to function through the day with less pain!!! My pill box is now filled with all natural Plexus products which include Fast relief Nerve Support which is my favorite product that plexus worldwide has created! I won’t lie it does not take my nerve pain totally away but it absolutely makes it manageable and has giving me a quality of life back and improved my nerve growth and regeneration in which I found out through the testing (which sucks) of my nerve specialist!!!! The Nerve Supplement saved me from having my last nerve surgery which would have been the 19th surgery in the last 2 years since my wreck…. You have no idea how good it was to hear one of my Doc’s say well we could still do this surgery but it’s not a necessity!!! Praise Jesus that was the first time in 2 years that I had heard that I could make a choice to do the surgery or not… Usually I was told we have to this ASAP… After I was on the slim for a week I realized what it was doing for me and I made the choice to spend the last 40 dollars that I had to my name (due to the fact that I had not worked since my accident) and pray that I could sell enough product so that I could continue to purchase my monthly supply of just Plexus slim! Oh my goodness were my prayers answered and more some!!! I had been living from shut off notice to shut off notice and only paying the one that was the closest to shut off… I had to sell my truck in which I loved to my best friend because I couldn’t afford the payment! I started selling plexus on June 14, 2013 my first commission check was deposited into my acct on July 15, 2013 which was the 2 year anniversary of my accident…. On that day I was not only able to pay my bills all at one time with in the same month, but I was able to bring all my bills current and have a little money left over!!! I literally cried on that day… But for the first time in 2 years they were tears of joy… Thank you soooooo much to my friends that posted post after post cause that is what convinced me to jump on the Plexus Train and begin my Journey to better health!!! Plexus has changed my life and also helped my kids in ways I could never imagine!! So for those that get offended by my posts or others posting about Plexus then they might should delete me because believe me I’m going to continue to post! If my post’s help one person feel as good as I do than it is absolutely worth it!!! I thank God every day when I wake that he has brought me to another beautiful day and I also thank him for bringing Plexus to me though his angels that walk on earth in which I call friends that convinced me to try Plexus! I have felt so many changes and I am excited to see what he has in store for me in the future!!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:35:38 +0000

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