For it is God that gives you the power, the ability, the endowment - TopicsExpress


For it is God that gives you the power, the ability, the endowment to produce wealth! Yes... that means YOU!!! God has given YOU the ability and the supernatural know-how to do SOMETHING that will cause you to prosper... IF you discover it, learn to master it with excellence and apply it to your life with confidence, God will allow the prosperity of your hands to come to pass and bless your life! Hear me Beloved... What God has ordained, He will sustain and since He placed you in the earth, He has a plan to supply every one of your needs, by the power and the ability Hes placed inside of you! Adam tended the garden, worked the land and produced a harvest to sustain his family. The Proverbs 31 woman, had several businesses running out of her kitchen! And because she wasnt lazy or afraid to step out on faith and use the gifts God gave her, she blessed her husband and her family immensely! And look at me... God blessed me to use my big mouth to make money... Talking, ministering, writing and sharing the wisdom He downloads to me... simply because I asked, positioned myself to receive and pressed into the passions of my heart, I am reaping the benefit of my efforts every single day! Now understand... everyone does not have the same gifts, talents and abilities... But we all have something... God made sure of that! So just take the time and seek His face to discover what Hes given you and how you can apply it to your life and make that money!!! Going Forth With All God Put In Me, Ap. Mimi
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 19:27:54 +0000

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