For months now I have been saying that Common Core is not anything - TopicsExpress


For months now I have been saying that Common Core is not anything new... just the latest attempt at the same agenda the same types of people have been pushing for over 100 years. We have Gates. It started with Rockefeller and Carnegie. There have been many others. I have been researching all the way back to 1915 with the help of Charlotte Iserbyt and Google. lol. It has been an extremely tedious process. I have located the documents Iserbyt refers to in her book, Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (DDDoA) over. and over. and over. I have ordered books that I could not read online, just so I could find the section Iserbyt quotes to convince myself that what she says is real. It is. The original version of the book is located in the files section of this page. I ordered the abridged version and have literally torn it up over the last few months. I am only halfway through with it and I have my face in it during my spare time. It is because of all the research the book has prompted me to do. I highly recommend it for those serious about learning what is going on in public education, especially TEACHERS! That being said, I want to share parts of a speech by Mary Thompson, Secretary and member of the Speakers Bureau on the Santa Clara, California Republican Womens Federation. This speech was given on June 11th, 1972 on the topic of PPBS. (Planning, Programming, Budgeting Systems) Her area of expertise was education so she was speaking on PPBS as applied to education. I originally read the speech in DDDoA and, of course, wanted to verify the accuracy so the link below is where I found it online. You can click the link to see the full speech. ----- ...In August of 1965 the president introduced the PPBS approach throughout the vast federal government. So, as I develop my remarks about PPBS as pertaining to education, keep in mind that the “process” involved is simultaneously being employed to restructure every agency of government. PPBS is a plan being pushed by the Federal and State governments to completely change education... “Accountability” is the key slogan word to sell the idea of PPBS to the public and the educators. This isn’t accidental, of course, because the idea of public officials being accountable for public money is universally desired. What isn’t universally understood however, is that PPBS is more than an accounting term using modern computer hardware. The accountability involved in PPBS (means accountability) to the state’s predetermined education goals... One leader of educational innovation has called it “a systematic design for education revolution.”... In a systems management of the education process, the child himself is the product. Note ... the child... his feelings, his values, his behavior, as well as his intellectual development. (... in original text) PPBS is the culmination of the “people planners” dreams. The seeds have been alive for a long time. There have always been the Utopians, those who envisioned a perfectible controlled society. Those who envisioned the creation of a “new mankind”, in the image of whatever the prevailing philosophical elite envisioned at any given time. In contemporary history there have been the Huxleys, the John Deweys, the Bertrand Russells...right on down to current behavioral science educationists who control education today. The germination for Federal control has been going on for a long time too. (... in original text) For instance in 1933 a government spokesman said, “the individualism of Americanism must go, because it is contrary to the purpose of the New Deal, which is remaking America. Russia and Germany are attempting to compel a new social order by means typical of their nationalism compulsion. THE UNTIED STATES WILL DO IT BY MORAL SUASION. WE EXPECT TO ACCOMPLISH BY EDUCATION WHAT DICTATORS IN EUROPE ARE SEEKING TO DO BY COMPULSION AND FORCE...the general public is not informed on all the parts of the program, and the schools are the places to reach the future builders of the nation.” Monroe Evening News, Monroe, Michigan, Sept., 13, 1933 (emphasis mine/ ... in original text) ---- I had to look up moral suasion. Here it is defined by BusinessDictionary. Non-official tool of monetary policy which governments employ to persuade (instead of coerce through law making power) financial institutions in following suggested guidelines on the availability and cost of credit. Moral suasion is used typically by making policy announcements to induce the desired response, before resorting to mandatory compliance through statutory regulations. Back to the speech... ----- Until recently the people planners were frustrated by the resistance of the American public to Federal planning and Federal financing for education. (Change Agents) Meanwhile, back at Bethel Maine...The National Training Laboratory was established under the auspices of NEA (National Education Association) about twenty years ago. The establishment of NTL was a “milestone” in the development of the restructuring of the very concept of education. The active training of the agents to affect the change started there and NTL has continued to train “change agents” (their term) to facilitate predetermined changes in education as well as every walk of life...religious institutions, government, industry and service organizations. NTL is most often associated with the role sensitivity training plays in the process of planned change. Out of NTL we also find such “how-to-do-it” manuals such as CONCEPTS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE, published through a contract with HEW. (emphasis and ... in original) So, for a quarter century NTL and various similar centers throughout the country have been systematically training leaders to affect the changes we see coming to especially in our local schools. THESE CHANGE AGENTS KNOW HOW TO FACILITATE PEOPLE, USING THE GROUP PROCESS AND OTHER TECHNIQUES TO CHANGE THE ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR OF SCHOOL PERSONNEL, THE COMMUNITY, AND IN TURN TO EFFECT THE INDOCTRINATION OF THE CHILDREN. Individuals who refuse to compromise their principles by allowing themselves to be neutralized by entering into the process (I’ll explain that further, later on) ARE SYSTEMICALLY ISOLATED BY THE PROCESS. (emphasis mine) Until 1965, there was the situation where responsive channels of representative government, at the local level, existed in the form of elected school boards and state heads of education who made direct decisions, regarding education programs, which were funded at local or state levels. That was accountability in the traditional sense accountability to parents and taxpayers. (The Role of Elementary and Secondary Education Act) Then in 1965 the means for accomplishing the actual restructuring of education was provided in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). President Johnson has said that he considered ESEA the most significant single legislation of his administration. Recall that it was also 1965 when the presidential order was given to introduce PPBS throughout the entire federal government. 1965 was the year which unleashed the actual restructuring of governmental processes and formally included education as a legitimate Federal government function. Since then we have seen the national administration institute Federal Offices of Human Resources, Office of Child Development, Early Learning Program, a National Institute of Education, a Committee of School Finance, a National Office of Child Development, etc. All of these are national offices leading to total development of the coming generations of children by the state. PPBS is the systems management tool made possible by the technology of computer hardware to affect the planned change. As Assemblyman Robert Burke expressed it, “If you know what you have to start with and you know what you want to end up with, it is possible to design a system that will make the precise changes required.” In order to make an explanation of PPBS intelligible you must also know that the education itself has been redefined. Simply put, it has become the objective of education to measure and diagnose the child in order to prescribe a program to develop his feelings and emotions, values and loyalties toward predetermined behavioral objectives. Contrast that with the traditionally understood function of education of being that of acquiring knowledge and developing skills... Conditioning people to behave according to predetermined behavior patterns becomes the objective of education institutions. Drawing it right to basics, we are talking about conditioned responses in human terms. Pavlov experimented on dogs! This is not fantasy of futuristic prophets. The “new education” is in effect RIGHT NOW. A reading of teacher guides, that education no longer means development of the intellect in order to equip the student to make independent decisions which will determine his behavior as a free man... Federal Regional Centers are the instruments for much of the training of local administrators and teachers, and often analyze and compute the data collected in surveys for local school districts. The change agents, at the district level, then function to “identify” needs and problems for change as they have been programmed to identify at the training sessions sponsored by Federal offices such as our Center Planning and Evaluation in Santa Clara County... Any ideas expressed within citizens committees or answers on surveys is considered systems data. DATA GATHERING IS NOT TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU WANT, IT IS SO THEY CAN MORE QUICKLY GET YOU WHERE THEY WANT YOU. (emphasis mine) PROGRAMMING Programming involves curriculum writing (remember the redefined education) textbook adoption (textbooks also planned and programmed to conformed to the “new education” objectives), teacher training, etc. Constant evaluation is going on as a part of this feedback is collected from all segments involved in the process. Data on community acceptance, data on teacher response, data on student response is fed into data banks to provide a continuous picture of how effective the process is and just how and where to adjust the programming to make the program effective. We are receiving many inquiries from teachers who are in the position know firsthand the pressures from the constant demands for in-service training and evaluation procedures. Actually, teachers are the only ones in a position at this point who could halt the process by protecting their professional integrity, internally. THE “BUDGET” of PPBS PPBS uses “on going” five to seven year projections of programs which reassessed and altered along the way... The yearly budget concept won’t work with PPBS because it is impossible to project costs for five to seven years’ programming because of the nature of continuous evaluation and self generating change process during the five to seven years. Remember, constant re-evaluation means assessing teaching personnel, students and community to determine the degree of effectiveness of the planned-changed behavioral objective. Translate that: CONTINUOUS DATA COLLECTION... (emphasis mine) Richard Farson of Western Behavioral Science Institute made a report to the Office of Education in Sacramento in 1967. He said it this way: “The application of systems analysis is aided by several phenomena that would be of help in almost any situation of organizational change. First, IT IS RELATIVELY EASIER TO MAKE BIG CHANGES THAN SMALL ONES and systems changes are almost always big ones. Because they are big, IT IS DIFFICULT FOR PEOPLE TO MOUNT RESISTANCE TO THEM, for they go beyond the ordinary decision-making, policy-making activities of individual members of an organization”. It is far easier to muster argument against a $100 expenditure for partisans than against a complete reorganization of the work flow.”... INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN NOT TO SUPPLY PERSONAL INFORMATION OR ANSWER PERSONAL QUESTIONNAIRES IN SCHOOL, or discuss subjective or introspective matters in school. Teach them how to recognize data collection techniques. We believe the time has come to establish private schools to keep our children from falling victim to behaviorists, while there is still opportunity to do so. Be aware of the fact that the Voucher system is lurking in the wings to bring the private schools into national control. ---- The writer (at the site linked below) communicated with Mrs. Thompson and shared her comments from February 6th, 2013. Highlights: Thank you for the kind remarks about the old speech... I was challenged by a wife of a behavioral psychologist who thought I didn’t understand what behaviorism was. I was never asked to speak again, at any Republican Womens’ organizations... I don’t know how the speech came into Charlotte’s possession. No one was more surprised than I, to see an abridged version of it in her 1999 big book, for I’d not heard of Charlotte until someone called my attention to the book. There was one episode I learned of when I received a phone call one day, probably in 1973, from a facilitator in Wisconsin. He was a Federal Change Agent charged with implementing PPBS in the schools there. Wisconsin was designated as a pilot state. He asked whether I was the person who wrote the speech he had in hand about PPBS, with my name on it. I told him I couldn’t verify since I wasn’t looking at what he had in his hand. He read parts of it and I told him what he quoted were my words. He was angry, for he said he had spent two years readying the district to adopt PPBS, then a prominent community member and PTA leader then read the speech to a large PTA gathering many of whom had served on the needs assessment committees. Apparently, they had been uncomfortable with process, and the speech enlightened them to recognize that they had been used. His efforts had been disrupted and the citizens committee participants revolted. He asked me who was behind my efforts. HE DIDNT WANT TO ACCEPT THAT I WAS A HOME MAKER AND MOTHER OPERATING IN MY OWN, WITH A COUPLE OF OTHER LIKE-MINDED MOTHERS. He persisted in asking “what’s in it for you?” I learned later that the grant funding he had for two years was withdrawn and given to another state. At the end of the conversation, he told me that one day, one way or the other one of our efforts would prevail, and that he intended to be the one who wins... The subject is the issue of the half century, perhaps the century, and the general public has still not caught on. IT TRANSCENDS POLITICAL PARTIES. LEFT AND RIGHT, WHILE THEY SWAT AT GNATS. I hope you are correct in your anticipation of awakening in 2013.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 01:06:30 +0000

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