For my friends who know me. This is another one of my long winded - TopicsExpress


For my friends who know me. This is another one of my long winded statuses (too long didnt read (tl;dr) included at the end. Lately a lot of people have doing the 5 day challenges to write 3 things theyre grateful for every day for 5 days. This isnt my way of fighting the system or say Im above that, I just feel better giving a full thanks to everyone and everything I love in the only way I know how to; in an unnecessarily long, lacking of punctuation, tiring rant. Ive gotten nothing but support in the photography Ive been doing and its so interesting to look back on my stuff I used to do and see just how far Ive come. I cant thank the local bands enough; they have been there for me this whole time and continually supported me all of these years. Ive not only done business with these bands but got to know them on a more personal level and see what real local music is all about. They love what they do and are so grateful to be where they are (and they deserve every bit of it) and just pour into their fans that show up to their shows. Ive been there for multiple EP releases and its really something to see a genuine happiness come from a group of people who have worked so hard towards a collective goal and to finally achieve it. So thank you to all of my local bands who pretty much kicked off my whole photography gig. My photography has now turned into doing music festivals, modelling, cosplay, rap/hip-hop/beatboxing/rap battles. Ive been exploring so much of the world and so many people and so many experiences to explore my photography in. So a big thank you to everyone who supported me and encouraged me to push my photography into uncharted territory because Im not the most confident guy and at the start my camera was a crutch I used in unfamiliar places; now I know these people accept me with or without my camera and are just loving people and have given me so much love and support I cant help but pour back into the world around me. Along the same lines Ive recently started getting into rap and hip-hop. I started recording a few covers that got a lot of positive feedback for something that I genuinely enjoyed doing and that alone was awesome. I love how it all ties in with my incessant need to not shut up and my annoying habit of talking too fast and all turned into a positive. Ive met some awesome people in the community that are just absolutely nailing it and was privileged enough to check out the KOTD tournament where some of the best in the game came out to mash out their chops. I was hooked from then on to do this full heartedly. I have sat down and listened to why people love what they do, what they love about what other people do and just really getting a deeper understanding to what this is all about. Im getting into rap/hip-hop/slam poetry and hope to be able to pump out my own content right away and get into this in a big way. As per my friends suggestion, I just ran out to a store and bought a 70 page scribbler and some sharpie pens and am going to be writing things on a daily basis. Just you wait Ill have some content soon! Im so pumped. And on a last note, thank you to all of the people who have really been just a huge part of my life by living on more than just a technologically distant relationship and taking time out of your busy lives to just sit and chat with me, go for coffee/dinner, go on nature walks/hikes, arcades and movies and just general shenanigans around the town. These are the people that really shape a person for life and I cant imagine my life without them. Also, huge congratulations to my brother and his my new soon to be sister-in-law on getting engaged on what was probably the best trip either of them have ever had across Europe, you guys are always there for me when I need you even if we dont see each other much and I love you guys for it. I look forward to seeing where my life goes from this point on and couldnt be happier with how life is going because it looks like probably the best damn life I could have made for myself and couldnt have done it without you. So without further ado heres the long list of people who have been a huge part of my life and as promised the tl;dr. TL;DR: Love you guys so much for supporting my photography and hip hop and being awesome people in general with lots of impact in my life. Love all of yo beautiful faces, lets hang out again soon! Alex Andrew Joseph Brian Jonathan Jason Ian Steven Amanda Ben Brendon Karlan Cameron Mike Blair Wade Meagan Jeff Nolan Tyler Bert Marc Carson Sebastjohn Carol-Lynne Trevor Victoria Adam Ryan Ari YoungFellas Bootleg Saint Blades of Steel Live Hip Hop Amanda Parker Ben Disaster Dodo and Floyd Venereal Bisease Good Friday Brawl MayDay and the BeatCreeps Ranger Creek Wranglers FIVE YEARS FURTHER REND Waves Upon Us Ryjin Meaghan Megan Savannah Crisandra Philip King Of The Dot Entertainment Louise Jen Jordan Sydney Taryn Doug Bailey Janice Ashleah Mic Shaun Kyle Brooklyn Myriam Brittany Brittney Keefe Brea Chelsea Gulliver Delarosa Derek Luke Kryssa Tasia Adam Blair Jes Niki James Jonathan Jon Jonas Catherine Clementine Janinee Sabrina Tyler Schwag Dan Curtis Vanessa Kelly Remington Clemcat Katelyn Kevin Alex Colleen Colin Kaila Micah Andrew Bethany Monica Mike Mark Melissa Jeremy Scotty Stacey John JD Brandon
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:07:58 +0000

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